Storage yard

Discussion in 'Questions To Truckers From The General Public' started by Dray795, Nov 28, 2023.

  1. Dray795

    Dray795 Bobtail Member

    Nov 28, 2023
    Good morning, I hope I'm using the correct thread. I'm opening a semi truck and trailer storage yard in Charlotte, NC. I was told certain companies such as Amazon pay monthly fees to store their trailers. In addition to monthly storage I plan on having 10, 75 foot spots for daily parking. What are the apps drivers use to look for daily parking?

    What other companies besides Amazon, should I approach? Is this something that is truly needed in the industry? Any and all advice is truly appreciated..
    blairandgretchen Thanks this.
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  3. OlegMel

    OlegMel Light Load Member

    Apr 8, 2023
    blairandgretchen Thanks this.
  4. blairandgretchen

    blairandgretchen Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2011
    South west Missouri
    Yeah - was about to say the same. Google maps obviously.

    @zmster2033 is in that area and I believe uses paid parking.

    I believe in that area there is a need - you'd have to fence off, and install some security or monitoring to make it attractive to potential clients.

    Amazon isn't the best customer to easily deal with, but I'm sure if you approach any large distribution center in the area, they may have needs to be met.
    Flat Earth Trucker Thanks this.
  5. Numb

    Numb Crusty Curmudgeon

    Jan 30, 2012
    Charlotte, N.Carolina
    Charlotte is in dire need of parking.

    a lot of owner ops will be needing parking when the city starts new enforcement of no street parking

    what area are you thinking of putting it?
    mjd4277 and blairandgretchen Thank this.
  6. zmster2033

    zmster2033 Light Load Member

    Apr 28, 2011
    Charlotte, NC
    I think monthly would be more suitable for Charlotte. As @Numb mentioned, there are some new ordinances for street parking. Daily may be lucrative, but I would put my money on monthly. Pending price and location, you may have a customer in me!
    mjd4277, blairandgretchen and Numb Thank this.
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