Switching career to trucking, need advice

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by geodrive, Aug 27, 2024.

  1. blairandgretchen

    blairandgretchen Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2011
    South west Missouri
    Do you have a clean driving record?
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  3. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    There is no driver shortage. CDL schools are always saying now is the time to go to school, even when it is NOT the time.

    The smart way to enter the industry is find the job that fits your needs & then decide how to go to CDL school. Some trucking companies offer "free" CDL school in exchange for 12 months of work. It's neither desirable or to be avoided just because the "free" training is through a trucking company. If the job at that company matches your needs then sign the contract for "free" training. If the job with "free" training doesn't match your needs avoided it like a gunshot.

    Half of companies hiring newbies offer Tuition Reimbursement in addition to pay. Your state u employment office may also have WIOA grant that pays for ANY trade school, not just trucking. The goal is a job, not CDL school. Make decisions for the right job not quick/cheap/free CDL school.

    Get all endorsements on your license. Each one is extra work you are eligible to haul. You can take 10 versions of every endorsement test online for free at TruckerCountry.com.

    Driving is the easy part of trucking. The 30 other things you need to do in a day are the frustrating parts of the job. Most newbies enter the industry with no research & then quit forever long before they work 12 months. Don't do that or you just add a school loan to any other problems you already have now.
    geodrive, 88 Alpha and lual Thank this.
  4. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Sacramento cdl schools - Search (bing.com)
    Western Truck School and Western Pacific Truck School both look good. 160 hours schools which is what you need. 160 hours plus get all the endorsements before graduation.
    geodrive Thanks this.
  5. FozzyNOK

    FozzyNOK Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2007
    I graduated from there in 83... lol
  6. geodrive

    geodrive Bobtail Member

    Aug 27, 2024
    Wow so many replies. Thank you all! Where to start?
    Yes, I have a clean driving record.

    1. So it sounds like OTR driving is everyday schedule? Or are there 2 days off? Can I request for vacations, like a month off? I rarely ever take vacations and can work everyday but I want to know how flexible an average schedule looks. I used to work in office 9-5, 5 days work, 2 days off.

    2. Although I can relocate, I feel it might be better for me financially to look for school or job locally first, unless there are companies that help me relocate by providing temporary aid for hotel stays while I do training with them?

    3. I like that tip about finding the right job for myself. How do I know what is a good or bad first job for me? I guess I will start asking about what is the average weekly pay these days for a beginner and how does the pay structure work. I hear new truckers can be cheated on some things. I wonder what it is I should look out for when seeking my first job.

    Ooooo! I am getting excited!
    Chinatown Thanks this.
  7. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Companies that have their own cdl school also provide transportation to get there, plus meals & lodging while attending cdl school.
    201 and geodrive Thank this.
  8. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Graduate from one of the private cdl schools that have been posted and then the company that hires you will provide transportation to the terminal that provides orientation. Anywhere in the USA, they'll pay transportation to get there, then when you arrive, free meals & lodging until you hit the road with a trainer.
    geodrive Thanks this.
  9. nextgentrucker

    nextgentrucker Medium Load Member

    Sep 25, 2023
    Port Saint Lucie, Fl
    My only tip for you, "Get the HELL out of California!!" Lol!
    tscottme, geodrive, Numb and 1 other person Thank this.
  10. FozzyNOK

    FozzyNOK Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2007
    I'd just stay in the Sacramento valley.. There are tons of agricultural jobs (Dixon has two very large AG haulers) there are also lots of aggregate haulers there, once you get your feet wet, your options broaden out, Loads of work at well paying job in transportation out there, Sacramento is a huge trucking hub. Don't just leap at OTR when its not necessary and just costs more than it will every pay to live in a box in some of the worst places on the face of the earth
    geodrive and Bro_Dave Thank this.
  11. Cat sdp

    Cat sdp . .

    Apr 8, 2012
    Orion's Belt
    Don’t do it……..
    JSanborn103 Thanks this.
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