Taking my cdl test on Sunday (class b). I failed the first time during the air brake test because the vehicle was on, (I know stupid mistake) but my question is whenever I start the truck during the test do I always start it in 1st gear or start it in neutral?
Taking my CDL Test for 2nd time please help
Discussion in 'Trucking Schools and CDL Training Forum' started by billy417, Nov 15, 2024.
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I always start in neutral. Not sure if that's what they want on the test these days.
You tell the examiner you are going to now do a "safe start procedure", then tell them, as you do it, the following steps:
I will make sure tranmission is in neutral (or if auto and has it, park), *manual trans, wiggle the gear shift to confirm neutral,
I will press the clutch to the floor (manual only),
Then I will firmly apply the foot brake (press on the brake pedal)
Then start vehicle.
For starting any other time than in the air brake test your first step to the examiner will be to make sure the parking brake is set by pulling in the knob, but during the air brake portion we don't want you touching the knob because part of the test is making sure the emergency spring brakes apply automatically and the knob functions as intended.tscottme, Concorde and Turdzthaword Thank this. -
Make sure your truck is in N with brakes engaged. Perform a safe start by turning the key to the on position. Mention the ABS and DEF indicators in your dash are working. Then look in your drivers side mirror to ensure the ABS light in trailer flashes on and off, amber in color. Start the truck and build your pressure up to 120-140 psi until governor cutoff. (Step 1 of air brakes) Monitor your primary and secondary air gauges to ensure air is building. Once your hear this “hiss”, governor cutoff, indicate to the examiner the PSI it cut off at. Press the clutch in, place the truck in low gear and turn the truck off. Then turn the key to the on position and release both your brakes. Now continue with air brake testing. Step 2- Air Leakage Rate Test. Step 3 - Air Device Warning Test. Step 4 - Emergency brake test.
Hope this helps.tscottme and Turdzthaword Thank this. -
If the ‘test truck’ has a 2 stroke Detroit Diesel engine, once it starts, floor the accelerator. That’s what the old timers seemed to always do, never figured why they did that. Anybody know?
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