Terminated after a perfect record of 10 years.

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Silverbeard, Oct 27, 2024.

  1. Silverbeard

    Silverbeard Light Load Member

    Aug 2, 2017
    Houston TX
    Yessir. 48 hours after the fact I already have 4 companies looking at me and one for sure interview already lined up for tomorrow!! Looking forward to the future!!
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  3. Silverbeard

    Silverbeard Light Load Member

    Aug 2, 2017
    Houston TX
    I think thats one reason this kinda blindsided me. I pride myself on being a reliable, safe and hard-working driver. While far from perfect, I never really gave them any reason to worry about my ability to get things done. However, I knew that this situation was based on faulty if not outright false information and I did speak up and challenge him on it. I may have used some less than friendly language in the process, but I was not going to allow him to just accuse me of something that was far from true. I even apologized to him afterwards for using the bad language and expressing my frustration, but I do not think his ego would allow him to accept it. He had to have the bigger balls to feel like a man I guess.
  4. Judge

    Judge Road Train Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    yeah, we’d run there and haul the tanks out during hurricane season
  5. Rugerfan

    Rugerfan Road Train Member

    May 3, 2011
    Did they give you your last check within 24 hours? If not they could owe you back pay
    hope not dumb twucker Thanks this.
  6. Iamoverit

    Iamoverit Road Train Member

    Oct 31, 2023
    The, "we treat you family" or "you're not a number" companies are the first to screw you over. That decades old propaganda holds no water to a driver that's looking to earn a living and live their lives. I would never apply for a place spewing that nonsense.

    Pull your DAC in a few months to check they didn't try to defame you. Also, if you want an official reason for termination in writing then file for unemployment. In an At-Will state the employee can leave or get fired without any reason being specified. However, the employer cannot ignore an unemployment claim. They have to give a reason.

    Even if you don't care to collect unemployment it gives you something official in writing for the future in case they lie to a potential new employer in an attempt to blackball you.

    Most employment verifications for commercial drivers are done via a faxed or emailed form. There's not much place for previous employers to write dissertations but they can lie to be vindictive or simply ignore the request altogether.

    You can request those forms from potential employers. Sometimes they'll share them with you. You can also send them yourself and see what they send back.

    Good luck, driver.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2024
  7. Lonesome

    Lonesome Mr. Sarcasm

    Dec 15, 2007
    Northern Indiana
    You will be fine. Good luck with whatever life throws at ya!
    TheLoadOut Thanks this.
  8. bad-luck

    bad-luck Road Train Member

    Nov 16, 2013
    Baltimore, Maryland
    Sorry this happened to you, and it is their loss. Don't sweat it, and move on. Good luck.!
    TheLoadOut and Lonesome Thank this.
  9. Lennythedriver

    Lennythedriver Road Train Member

    Feb 14, 2020
    Another aspect or angle that you might look at this from and this doesn’t just apply to trucking, but in general is, let’s say you’re the guy that always says yes to everything. You’re Mr. reliable, company doesn’t have to worry about you because you just show up and get it done. But as a result of this, you get pushed around a little bit and you usually take it. Another employee or driver stands up for himself. He cusses the dispatch out. Put him in his place as needed. “Doesn’t take crap” “ What do you mean you want me to come in two days early? I was just out there for three weeks. I’m taking my days off, buddy” click. He’s always been that way. Calls him out on his BS on the spot. You get the idea… This is a real psychological thing in the workplace, and those who engage in its abuse don’t even realize they’re doing it. What happens is the guy who’s the jerk and isn’t afraid to standup for himself and maybe even crosses A line sometimes, will likely outlast the “nice guy”.

    Reason being is it’s built into the psychological mindset of the office personnel that they can’t push the one guy around, but they can push you around. And then one day you decide to stick up for yourself. And they short circuit because they’re used to pushing around and used to you saying yes, and so you get gone. I’ve seen this happen more times than I can count.

    it’s best if you can, when you go into a new workplace, especially in the trucking industry that you let them know in a professional and polite way that you do indeed have a backbone and you will not be pushed around. They can ask things of you that fall outside the normal work parameters, but you might say yes, and you might say no. if you don’t establish and you get labeled as nice dude says yes to everything and then later you decide you want to change that, then you become the bad guy.
  10. INRUT

    INRUT Medium Load Member

    Aug 21, 2016
    Loose lips sink ships. Some of the best drivers out here there company managers have never seen. Go to work, get job done, go home. Sorry, I don’t have a way with words like six.
  11. Accidental Trucker

    Accidental Trucker Road Train Member

    Jun 4, 2015
    I'm an old guy. with old fashioned views, but if my driver cusses me out on the phone, he's out the door. I don't care if he taught Jesus how to walk on water.......
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