The advantages of being an O/O

Discussion in 'Anderson' started by TripleSix, Jul 3, 2009.

  1. TripleSix

    TripleSix God of Roads

    Apr 10, 2009
    Copied in Hell
    Was sitting in Pueblo,Co and got a load offer going from Pueblo to Dallas. Load really wasnt paying that great, but I was doing a "favor' for my FM.

    I get loaded and scale out at the place and the lady inside tells me that I am over gross.

    Lady: You are 80500. You need to call your dispatcher.

    Six: (laugh)Why do I need to do that?

    Lady: You just need to call her

    So I make a call...

    FM: How much fuel do you have on?

    Six: Listen to me for a moment. They put 11 coils on my wagon weighing 4600 lbs. They need to take one off. If they do not take one off, theyre going to have to take all of them off.

    FM: You carry alot of gear? How much can you scale?

    Six: One more time, this load isnt paying enough money for any drama, or to worry about scales or anything like that. If they dont cut the order this loads coming off.

    FM: Well, I cant make that call...

    Six: I captain this ship.

    FM: Give me a moment, I will talk to customer service

    Six: Better hurry

    FM: Why?

    Six: Because I am leaving in 5 minutes

    They cut the order. I delivered that load yesterday. A buddy of mine called me this morning and told me that he went to the same place. He was 82000. The lady told him that she wasnt going to cut the order and that he had to call his dispatcher. He told them to take it off the truck and he called his FM after they took it off. He calls me to laugh because he knew that I just loaded there.
    Sinister Thanks this.
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  3. dino6960

    dino6960 YOUDAMAN

    Jun 25, 2009
    hmmm sounds like they dont know what there product weighs,maybe you should loan them a calculator lmao
  4. Working Class Patriot

    Working Class Patriot Road Train Member

    Jan 17, 2008
    Wherever and Whenever...
    Yep.....just like some lumber loads.....
    "How can you be over-laden driver?.......We only put 60K on your trailer...aren't you allowed to carry 80K?"........:biggrin_25526:
  5. Dna Mach

    Dna Mach Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    as a company driver I wouldn't have even called my FM. they would have taken a coil off, adjusted the bills and off I would have been gone. no drama, just miles. they could call the broker if they need to but it's of no concern to me about the details of the load.
  6. Working Class Patriot

    Working Class Patriot Road Train Member

    Jan 17, 2008
    Wherever and Whenever...
    How many of you have scales on both your tractors and trailers????

    I usually show people the scales and tell them where they can go up to on the gauge...

    Although it was much easier when I had my dumps....Anyone wanted to over load me...." hand just slipped on the PTO and the hoist......####....sorry.... I wasn't fast enough to stop the bed from elevating and dumping the load....sorry...."
  7. TripleSix

    TripleSix God of Roads

    Apr 10, 2009
    Copied in Hell
    oops, just noticed. Those coils were slinkies, weighing 4600 each.

    They know how much the junk weighs. They scaled my empty weight in and rescaled when I was loaded. As soon as I heard "brokered load", I instantly knew that it was a cheap, heavy, crap load. Go to a shipper and see a scale and you know that youre going to loaded to the gills.

    My buddy, who loaded there the day after I did, went and topped his fuel tanks off before loading. He knew that he was going to be real heavy. His load was going to Rome,Ga.
  8. Dna Mach

    Dna Mach Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    yes they know what their freight weighs but they have no idea what your truck and trailer weigh. the game for them is to load as much as possible, a little heavy is no problem to them and that coil you rightly made them pull off will be used as part of a future load, that they wanted to eliminate. so by keeping legal you are ensuring more overall miles. good for us bad for them.
  9. kajidono

    kajidono Road Train Member

    Jun 1, 2009
    Try that loading at an amish guy's house that has a muscle driven sawmill in the barn out back. I was surprised they had a modern pallet jack. I was more surprised when they loaded the lower deck of my drop deck faster than a forklift could. I wasn't really surprised when I took a look at my load gauges. Ah well.
  10. Working Class Patriot

    Working Class Patriot Road Train Member

    Jan 17, 2008
    Wherever and Whenever...
    Never underestimate the Amish.....:yes2557:
  11. steelersfan

    steelersfan Medium Load Member

    May 9, 2009
    Reminds me of a podiobook I listened too. The Amish are resourcefull
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