Discussion in 'Road Stories' started by Cybergal, Feb 15, 2007.

  1. notarps4me

    notarps4me Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2007
    Nice poem cyber, but I did not get my credits for editing!:mrgreen:
    Cybergal Thanks this.
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  3. Lucky142

    Lucky142 <strong>"Give A Hoot"</strong>

    Jun 19, 2007
    Spokane, WA - USA
    Thanks Cyber Gal. Yes, and dito to other comments. I have those feelings still even though I am now retired. Yes, I do write a lot of poetry and have many awards as well as been selected six times running out of thousands of poems for one of 32 "Sound of Poetry" Library of Congress, International Society of Poetry. I hope you liked my, "Yes, I've Been to Texas". I put a little of Patsy Clines' background music "Crazy" to it and a friend who sang in Nashville for many years listened to it. He sent me to a friend to do some voice recordings, but as yet I have done nothing with it. Perhaps soon.

    I will add another poem tomorrow.
    Cybergal Thanks this.
  4. Lucky142

    Lucky142 <strong>"Give A Hoot"</strong>

    Jun 19, 2007
    Spokane, WA - USA
    Well Cybergal, I have applied to admin, but my account is not open yet to post poems.

    Here is one of Mine:

    Another Mid-West Run

    Copyright &#169; 2006 Zephyr

    I have driven passed your home.
    My life is cast, to always roam.
    If I had known, you were there
    I might have stayed within your care.

    A time or two on a mid-west run,
    I pulled in for the setting sun.
    Never stayed, just time to load,
    Then back on that lonely road.

    Down many trails life has past;
    With sunshine and shadows cast.
    Longing always for a friend
    To keep me company until life's end.

    Lonely heartache within my soul
    Diesel purring, big wheels roll
    One more mile, one more day
    Got to keep moving; can't delay,

    I've no one to call my honey.
    Always working, never enough money
    Schedules tight, never enough time;
    Rolling on to the end of life's rhyme!
  5. Cybergal

    Cybergal Road Train Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    To The Truckers Of America

    Our Truckers of America are men/women who are
    devoted to what they do, but can be a little misunderstood.

    They are people who drive across this land reaching their goals
    with a hard driving diesel engine under their hoods.

    Sitting in a somehwhat comfy chair, shifting them gears morning noon and night,
    Looking out a picture window at the long road, destination out of sight.

    I admire the dedication that these men/women show in accomplishing what they set out to do in a day.

    And think about them often, putting up with nasty comments,
    bad drivers, traffic back-ups, you name it! Always something in the way.

    So I say to ALL, Iam with you every MILE and do certainly CARE!
    Especially when you are stopped by a BIG OLE BEAR!

    © Cybergal
  6. Lucky142

    Lucky142 <strong>"Give A Hoot"</strong>

    Jun 19, 2007
    Spokane, WA - USA
    I'm not sure. Never could figure that one out. Perhaps it has something to do with Coffee time, or diesel time, as it seems to always get compressed at those moments for some unknown reason. Maybe its tied to the turn signals?
  7. bluegrassbandmom

    bluegrassbandmom Light Load Member

    Nov 15, 2006
    plainfield, indiana
    CYBERGAL U R GOOD W/WORDS!!!:biggrin_25514::biggrin_25525::yes2557:
    Cybergal Thanks this.
  8. Lucky142

    Lucky142 <strong>"Give A Hoot"</strong>

    Jun 19, 2007
    Spokane, WA - USA
    Shall we keep em going Cybergal?

    One more for the road and then I got get the little put put out and do my thing before it gets too dark. (Cut the Grass)

    Truckers Lament

    Copyright &#169; 2005, Zephyr

    I disappeared long years ago;
    There was no one to caress my soul.
    I climbed aboard, in my old truck
    A million miles behind, loves luck!

    Some day you might see me,
    Perhaps you will think I'm free.
    But what you will not know,
    I'm just lonely man, ever on the go!

    From truck stop to truck stop
    Each day I drive until I drop.
    To sleep away my lonely life,
    Without a lover or a wife!

    Now, I'm not crying about my life,
    Of many good friends, there is no price.
    Sharing coffee and some road talk,
    There is no time to sit and sulk.

    So coffee up and out the door,
    In my truck for 500 miles or more,
    Chat on the ol' CB with my friends.
    See you somewhere, sometime, again.

    Keep the dirty side down, wheels on the ground
    Eyes on the road and hammer down!
    Got an early appointment in Tonty Town!
    It's just another reload-turn around.

    Open the doors and back to the dock,
    Dispatch again, has me on the clock.
    Jammer in gear, and I'm out the gate,
    Off to Los Angeles, another load of freight.

    Coast to coast and back a gain;
    My time will end, God knows when.
    Until I'm called before the roll,
    It's down the road to pay life's toll.

    From Cincinnati to New Orleans,
    On to Jacksonville, then Bowling Green!
    St Louis calling; Detroit, don't be late,
    Got a turn around to the Golden Gate!

    The Windy City on my list
    Then on to Dallas, another twist!
    Turn around, and off once more.
    Got a heavy date in Baltimore!

    Circle City's calling my name,
    Gets a bit dizzy, this turn-around game.
    To Imlay City, more pickles to go.
    It's back to LA, and don't be slow!

    Northridge has another load of beer,
    Just another trip to who knows where.
    Back to another dock where I unload,
    All ready loaded, down life's road.

    I disappeared long years ago;
    There was no one to caress my soul.
    I climbed aboard, in my old truck
    A million miles behind, loves luck!
  9. Cybergal

    Cybergal Road Train Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    THANK YOU there! I appreciate that...:biggrin_25514:

    I love to write that is when I have the time...which is hard to find.

    I get something started then have to forget about it and go do something keeping JAM out of trouble!:biggrin_2559:
  10. Papa T

    Papa T Light Load Member

    Sep 28, 2008
    Desperate Hot Springs, CA
    :yes2557: Great poem............Thanks for posting
    Cybergal Thanks this.
  11. Cruz31307

    Cruz31307 Light Load Member

    Jan 1, 2009
    Elgin IL
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