TQL Other Brokers Offsetting Their Way Out of Paying Carriers

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by Eddiec, Nov 14, 2023.

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  2. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
    The thing that stood out the most for me in that article was that there was a shut down on Nov first?

    And also the part where the one guy who got burned said these contracts are long and it’s too expensive to have a lawyer look at them. Well I’d reckon a lawyer would’ve been cheaper than the money he’s owed by TQL.
  3. Judge

    Judge Road Train Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    I don’t run for people with super long contracts or that the writing suddenly gets super small.
  4. gekko1323

    gekko1323 Road Train Member

    Jul 14, 2018
    Henderson, NV
    Someone pleas correct me if I'm wrong. I thought the correct chain of process was that the broker has to file an insurance claim, not withhold pay. As for the clause in the contract, I thought that the law over rides any clause in a contract the looks to circumvent said law.
    Rideandrepair Thanks this.
  5. JimmyTwoTimes

    JimmyTwoTimes Medium Load Member

    Aug 23, 2019
    I'm not a lawyer, but I believe contracts that ask either party to waive rights or to give rights (e.g. the right to off set open payables against claims) supersede the law.

    And yes Gekko, you are right that the broker should be filing a claim against you or your insurance provider and going that route before writing off payables to offset a claim.
    Rideandrepair Thanks this.
  6. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    I would expect a broker to say that but it's not true with regards to waiving rights in a contract. The reason brokerages get away with it is because most carriers don't have the money to take them to court forcing them to follow the law.
  7. DUNE-T

    DUNE-T Road Train Member

    May 10, 2015
    Detroit, MI
    Law supersedes whatever is in the contract
  8. JimmyTwoTimes

    JimmyTwoTimes Medium Load Member

    Aug 23, 2019
    I'm not saying it as a broker just as a random guy talking on the internet. It probably doesn't apply to every contract/waiver, but I believe what I said is accurate. Have you never signed a waiver somewhere (e.g. maybe bungie jumping, or sky diving or something like that)? The reason waivers exist is because more often than not they are upheld in court. If you don't believe me feel free to google it.
    Rideandrepair Thanks this.
  9. Rideandrepair

    Rideandrepair Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2015
    A Lady just filed a complaint with the Fmcsa against TQL for refusing to disclose Shippers rate, when requested. They cited the signed waiver. Fmcsa requested they comply. TQL ignored them too. Fmcsa went directly to TQL, got the info. themselves. Gave it to the Lady. The Lady’s argument was violation of regulations by requiring a signed waiver. She won!! Takes a Woman to do a Man’s job these days. Quit taking BS from these Brokers. Fool Me once, etc. Taking another Load after getting shafted makes no sense to me. I quit them years ago. Too much dishonesty. Be a good time to boycott them. Sure others would still haul for them. Probably cost them more though. Maybe eventually put them out of business. Only in my sweetest dreams. Why be a slave? It’s degrading. The powers in the Truck. No Truck, no nothing. Tired of all these scheming Brokers. Oh yeah, the disclosure showed TQL paid 61% of rate to Truck. Only made 39%. They were being nice Lol.
    Feedman Thanks this.
  10. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
    I wouldn’t really trust any of that considering the original source and there’s been zero proof shown if the actual documentation that she supposedly got.
    JimmyTwoTimes, Rideandrepair and PPNLE Thank this.
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