Types of truckers passing me

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Diantane, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. Pedigreed Bulldog

    Pedigreed Bulldog Road Train Member

    May 7, 2011
    You are unbelievable! YOU see them catch you with your cruise on, so obviously they are going faster than you. YOU know that you won't "cleanly pass" them, because once you both top the hill he's going to pass you again on the way back down. HEED YOUR OWN FLIPPING ADVICE!!!! Back out of it for 1 hill and they'll be long gone...but no, YOU have to prove the level of your own immaturity and unprofessionalism by keeping your cruise set and continually causing both lanes to be blocked as you both sit there fighting for the lead. He didn't catch you by running slower than you. Let him by, and you'll just be a speck in his mirror before too long. Meanwhile, others on the road won't be cussing you out as they are wanting to get by you but can't because you selfishly refuse to be courteous or act like you've got something other than excrement between your ears.
    corneileous Thanks this.
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  3. DsquareD

    DsquareD Road Train Member

    May 21, 2009
    Green Bay, WI
    It doesn't even take 10. I tap the cruise decel 2-3 times. Next thing you know, they are ahead of me and I tap it right back up. Most times the truck behind me doesn't even notice, especially if he is following at a safe distance.
    corneileous Thanks this.
  4. scottied67

    scottied67 Road Train Member

    Mar 14, 2010
    california norte
    No that's one of my legion of fans though.
  5. scottied67

    scottied67 Road Train Member

    Mar 14, 2010
    california norte
    Key word, my cruise is set at the SPEED LIMIT. If they catch me and try to pass me that is on them to do it on their own volition breaking the law. I'm not slowing down from the speed limit to help somebody break the speed limit. If they take 5 minutes to pass me while I'm already going the speed limit, that is on them for blocking the traffic, which by the way should not be upset in the least anyway because the flow of traffic is currently going the speed limit. Speed limits are not suggestions, and the 'gee whiz I'm a skilled pro I know what this equipment can handle 10-12 miles above the speed limit' mentality is yesterday's news.

    They won't be cussing me, I'm the one going the speed limit. If billy bigrigger gets neck and neck with me struggling to climb the grade and we are at the speed limit, that just too GD bad .
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
  6. DsquareD

    DsquareD Road Train Member

    May 21, 2009
    Green Bay, WI
    You said you set your cruise at 64. I've never seen a 64 MPH speed limit. Besides, what makes you so certain your speedometer is accurate?

    You are not the keeper of the law. But you act like you are. The games you are playing are dangerous.
    Pedigreed Bulldog Thanks this.
  7. scottied67

    scottied67 Road Train Member

    Mar 14, 2010
    california norte
    If the speed limit is 65 I set mine at 64. This accounts for the little downhill dips where it can go up to 3 miles per hour over and the jakes hold it at 67.My speedo and GPS match speed. Also when going through work zones the radar displays speed, always matches what my instruments say.

    What I think happens is these drivers know they can go up to 5 miles per hour faster than the speed limit and it only costs 1 CSA point if they get caught so they set their speed at 68 + 3 is 71 in a 65 and come up on ole scottie ticked off wanna pass. Fine go ahead, just don't sit there and expect me to *slow* down. I gotta make my time and distance as efficient, safe and legal as possible. I don't get the princess attitude out here with these drivers wanting to race everywhere they go.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
  8. Pedigreed Bulldog

    Pedigreed Bulldog Road Train Member

    May 7, 2011
    You can try to justify it any way you want, but it doesn't change the fact that you are a hypocrite who seems to enjoy creating unsafe environments around you, encouraging road rage in those other motorists caught up in your bullcrap. You don't have a badge. It isn't your job to play traffic cop. If somebody else wants to run 3-5 mph over the limit, why does that upset you so much? Let them by to get on up the road and away from you. Heck, if somebody wants to run 15-20 over the limit, again, it won't be your ticket so why does it bother you? Stop worrying about what everyone else might be doing wrong and work on correcting your own shortcomings.
    DsquareD Thanks this.
  9. scottied67

    scottied67 Road Train Member

    Mar 14, 2010
    california norte
    Let me be clear again. If I am going the speed limit and somebody wants to pass, I do not care. Passer, just don't expect me to slow down is all. If the guy gets road rage, I have no power over that. I have no control over others' emotions. In all my videos where they are passing me aggressively and dangerously, crossing double yellow lines into oncoming traffic lanes, I did not make them do that. In all the videos I was going the speed limit except in the case of Watkins Shepard, I was going the comfortable speed limit for the conditions.

    I am at a loss how me going the speed limit creates unsafe environments around myself? Please explain that one to me.

    Scottie, don't you see when you go the speed limit people come unhinged around you?? Clue in scottie!! you need to be going 3-5 miles per hour over the speed limit or 3-5 miles per hour under the speed limit! Going the exact speed limit causes road rage scottie you are a menace to the highway for going the speed limit good god scottie

    I don't care if people want to break the speed limit laws. I do care when they are trying to pass me but are taking forever to do it and expect me to adjust my speed down for them to get ahead that much sooner. My contention is if they are having a hard time passing me, they are going to have a hard time maintaining a safe distance in front of me which is going to affect my operation (read: speed) which in turn is going to cause me to have to adjust slower to accomodate them when I know if I maintain I'm letting them know I intend to keep running this speed and course. It is in their best interest to step on it and clear out of tap their own brakes and get behind; they are creating the danger, I'm just minding my own business at the proper speed limit and holding my lane as is my right to do.

    Left Lane For Passing Only, not Left Lane For Princesses Who Expect All Others to Bow Down and Slow Down so Royal Highness Trucker can Pass More Quickly

    People can get as stupid as they like around me, I'm not in charge of that but I will be filming them when they do get stupid.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2016
  10. Pedigreed Bulldog

    Pedigreed Bulldog Road Train Member

    May 7, 2011
    Earlier in this thread, you were talking about playing hopscotch for half a county with another truck who caught you in some hills. He had the faster truck, but was heavier and bogged down more than you in the hills. YOU made the choice to block #### up when you REPEATEDLY passed him again on the inclines, only for him to pass you again on the downhill. YOU KNEW he had the faster truck, and yet YOU CHOSE to be an inconsiderate ######## to everybody else on the road around you. 1 hill is probably all it would have taken...back out of it and stay behind him. When he gets up to speed again on the next downhill, he's on his way and you're a speck in his mirror. Instead, YOU (because NOBODY is allowed to cause YOU to go any slower than YOU want to go) chose to again and again pull out into the passing lane to re-pass the faster-but-heavier truck when you knew FULL WELL that you weren't willing or capable of STAYING in front of him. THAT is the level of dickheadery I'm talking about in this thread. YOU are the one who chose to #### traffic up for "half a county" as YOU chose to play games. YOU are unprofessional, discourteous, and from what I've seen in your videos and read in what you've posted in the various threads, you have no business driving a bicycle, let alone a CMV.

    Get your head out of your ###. It isn't all about you. A professional drives defensively, which means sometimes backing out of the throttle a little to manage the space cushion around your vehicle...a skill you simply do not have.
    DsquareD, HalpinUout and Joews Thank this.
  11. Kyle G.

    Kyle G. Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2016
    Eastern Iowa
    I don't see why this is such a big issue. The left lane is the passing lane. It's not the hammer lane or the fast lane, it's for passing. You are not supposed to exceed the speed limit in either lane. There is not ( at least in my state) any law that dictates a minimum speed for the passing lane. As long as you are actively passing someone, you have every right to be in that left lane. There is also no law that I'm aware of that dictates how quickly you need to complete the pass.

    If you have some knucklehead trying to pass you at 62, then yeah it is generally appreciated if you back off a little and let him by. No, you do not have to do this if you don't want to, it is just a courtesy. And if you are the super trucker stuck behind said knucklehead, then you might get inconvenienced for a minute. We should all be used to getting inconvenienced, it happens all the time. If you can't handle that, then I guess it sucks to be you. Better get used to it though, because we will all be going 65 or less soon enough. I can promise you one thing, tailgating and bellowing into your mic will not make anybody go faster.
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