Unsure where to post this, 10yr vet, 2m miles, possesion of alcohol on psp, is my carreer over?

Discussion in 'The Welcome Wagon' started by Discruntal, Feb 24, 2023.

  1. Discruntal

    Discruntal Bobtail Member

    Feb 24, 2023
    Any driver found in violation of 49 CFR 392.5 (alcohol misuse) will be placed out-of-service for 24 hours effective immediately.

    From the same source The Motor Carrier Safety Planner.
    TheLoadOut Thanks this.
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  3. runningman0661

    runningman0661 Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Clover, South Carolina
    I’ve pulled probably 70+ beer loads over the years, no brewery or beer distributors are handing out free beer, so that’s the first lie your caught in.
    Bean Jr. and Opus Thank this.
  4. Discruntal

    Discruntal Bobtail Member

    Feb 24, 2023
    Lol ok bud. Anhieser busch in syricus, ny ... Was "driver appriceation week". They had a big cookout out in the lot with brats in the grills and potato salad on the table. Evrn had some little mini golf and cornhole games set up for prizes lol. They set out 3 full skids of 3 diffetent kinds of beer n told me to take my pick. I have no reason to lie. Lol hell back when i was doin commercial roofing every time we did a job on a distribution center theyd set 2 ir 3 cases in the back of the foremans truck everyday lol ... Believe what you want tho. This is my livelyhood too, searioisly no reason to lie.
    Bean Jr., Numb and Chinatown Thank this.
  5. Space Truckin

    Space Truckin Light Load Member

    Mar 8, 2023
    Venus, Mars, and Tampa, FL
    I remember being told in orientation -- by the old timer running it -- that we're not even allowed to have rubbing alcohol in the truck.

    I'm certainly no authority on the subject, just passing along what I heard.

    Well, I guess that's one advantage that reefer has over flatbed. :D
  6. Discruntal

    Discruntal Bobtail Member

    Feb 24, 2023
    Quick update, no luck yet. It seams most if not all trucking companies treat possesion of alcohol in a cmv (even when not ticketed or charged with any offence) the same as if it were a consumption charge or dui. Have been told this repeatedly recently. No record of dui, nothing on clearinghouse, no moving violations, 0 points, have not been in an accident ever. Having beer in the sidebox of a cmv on an inspection report is evidently enough to end ones career. Ive followed many of the leads suggested to me here and most have either ignored my calls or refused me outright. In any case thanks for all the input. My only avenues now are independant under my iwn authority, driving for an independant who doesnt mind my situation, or waiting for all of it to drop off my record completely ... /Sigh
  7. Space Truckin

    Space Truckin Light Load Member

    Mar 8, 2023
    Venus, Mars, and Tampa, FL
    Keep trying man. You will need to call a lot of companies. But all it takes is one sympathetic recruiter to listen to your story, put it together with your otherwise good record, and go to bat for you.
  8. DUNE-T

    DUNE-T Road Train Member

    May 10, 2015
    Detroit, MI
    Try Chicago craigslist
  9. Discruntal

    Discruntal Bobtail Member

    Feb 24, 2023
    Thanks fellas, honestly im not giving up. There are littetal hudreds upon hundreds of companies out there. Im trying to figure out how to use fakebook and craigslist lol. Never rly got on those before
    Space Truckin Thanks this.
  10. Space Truckin

    Space Truckin Light Load Member

    Mar 8, 2023
    Venus, Mars, and Tampa, FL
    Looking on Craigslist, at least in my area (Tampa) recently, I saw quite a lot of nonsense jobs (1099, Chicagoland jobs (recruiting in FL, lol), lots of emoji characters in title, vague but too good to be true sounding promises, etc., lol) but also a couple really good ones. For example, a couple really decent paying dedicated accounts. From known, national companies. I did not qualify because I have a 'DOT preventable' on my record, but my takeaway was that there can definitely be good jobs on Craigslist.

    I'm not on Facebook, and I won't go on there. But my buddy says it's easier to sell things on there. So I had the ol lady use her account to post a car tow dolly for sale. We sold it pretty much right away for the asking price. I have used Craigslist a lot over the years but it's gone downhill a lot I am afraid to say. Lots of scammers and spammers. Be careful with your real phone number, email, etc. I hate to say it but that's been my experience lately at least in this area. So I guess I am saying, if you are OK with it, maybe try Facebook too, even though I hate them and will never go on there myself personally.

    Good luck, let us know what you find.
  11. Cat sdp

    Cat sdp . .

    Apr 8, 2012
    Orion's Belt
    nothing like selling booze on the highway…..
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