US Xpress finally buys out Arnold, only Grand Prairie to remain "Arnold"

Discussion in 'Arnold' started by Vito, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. Jorihe84

    Jorihe84 Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2010
    North Florida
    They discontinued their southeast lanes after the us xpress issue so with me living in Jacksonville, it was a fiasco getting home and back out to their lanes. I give them many thanks for trying to keep alot of us southeast guys but it's just not what the company big wigs want. If you live in their lanes, it's a good gig and things are getting better. They pay very well, I was at .45 a mile before I left, .52 a mile if you get all the monthly and quarterly bonuses which is fairly easy. No per diem offered so it's not masked behind all that mess. It's straight pay. one year experience will get you .40 a mile a there which is beyond most of these companies.

    They still have their issues that could put them right back in the hole if they are not more careful.

    Right before I left they had #### near every truck in the fleet replaced with brand new ones and there was talk of new trailers next. Trailers were the main issue there. if you weren't chasing empties, you were sitting in the shop waiting for a repair because the drivers are wreckless and lazy and there is no fear of discipline for it.

    I checked their safety scores the other day. Vehicle maintenance is still awful which you can chock mostly up to the awful trailer pool.

    They also registered a little over 500 trucks this time. Their peak was nearly 1500 after the link merger. So this us xpress take over of their southeast markets has dropped their fleet down to 3/4 of what it was
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  3. TruckDuo

    TruckDuo Road Train Member

    Oct 21, 2012
    Chicago, IL
    How's things going Vito ?
  4. Vito

    Vito Heavy Load Member

    Jun 4, 2012
    North Carolina
    Hey TD. Well, I'm still with US Xpress. And it's true. Pay has increased and miles have increased. I'm making a lot more money now than with Arnold. And the pre plans arrive fast and furious, never sitting waiting for loads. Run run run. The only way to slow it down is to take a 34. Overall I'm very pleased because I like to run hard.

    US Xpress is a smart company. They seem to have good planning, know where the MT's are. That's another big difference. And I've gotten used to the 2015 Freightliner auto they got me into. And I love the added 3 cents per mile for every mile run if you stay out over 30 days. Overall pretty happy.
    TruckDuo Thanks this.
  5. TruckDuo

    TruckDuo Road Train Member

    Oct 21, 2012
    Chicago, IL
    Wife and I quit USX end of 2014 and went over to R&L Carriers. Discovered how awesome USX is by working for someone else. Will be coming back in a week. USX is very forward thinking.
    Vito Thanks this.
  6. Vito

    Vito Heavy Load Member

    Jun 4, 2012
    North Carolina
    Glad to hear you'll be back. Yes, forward thinking is a good way to describe it. I guess you just pinpointed what I was trying to say by "smart". If they would increase their pay/incentives a bit more they'd go from good to great.
    TruckDuo Thanks this.
  7. Aquarius169

    Aquarius169 Light Load Member

    Apr 23, 2014
    Really Useless express still suck stay far away . . Far away
  8. TruckDuo

    TruckDuo Road Train Member

    Oct 21, 2012
    Chicago, IL
    Why do you say that ?
  9. dieseltrooper

    dieseltrooper Light Load Member

    Mar 16, 2014
    I thought thus was an Arnold thread...
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