WALMART Drivers laid off at UPS as Feeder Driver.

Discussion in 'LTL and Local Delivery Trucking Forum' started by QotisFiya, Oct 30, 2023.

  1. QotisFiya

    QotisFiya Bobtail Member

    Dec 6, 2018
    Basically I been with UPS for 3 years. GREATEST opportunity I’ve done had when it comes to making money & Health benefits. But now I’m stuck in between a hard rock. I got laid off back in June this year with such a short notice. I’ve recently got on with WALMART as a driver and took the hard layoff back in June. Walmart is great also, UPS pays 2000 to 3000 more per month. You make about 3500 every two weeks with Walmart. Keep in mind I’m not at top pay, but the top pay at UPS is miles better. Seniority is the name of the game and I was an off the street hire back in 2020 and I’m at the bottom 10%. We had 253 drivers at our hub but now it’s down to 173. They called me to come back Nov 19th for peak. My thing is, me getting laid off again in January and losing a great opportunity like WALMART.

    How should I go about this ? Everyone is telling me to leave UPS but I feel deep down I would be making the worse mistake of my life.
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  3. Cat sdp

    Cat sdp . .

    Apr 8, 2012
    Orion's Belt
    If your ups job is union and you feel it’s right for you go back……..
    snowlauncher and QotisFiya Thank this.
  4. buddyd157

    buddyd157 Road Train Member

    May 25, 2017
    under a shade tree
    if you are at the bottom, and they only need you for "peak", realistically what do you think is going to happen after peak..???

    you wanna play the merry-go-round and maybe never get back on with walmart?

    once i get laid off, (and i did a time or two) i never went back.
  5. Judge

    Judge Road Train Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    Sometimes you gotta make a decision in life.
    But if s they’ll give you at UpS is sixty days.. you’d be better off staying and getting more rate at WMT, as long as you’re happy and are paying you bills, And longevity, you’d leave a hood job and go back to bottom of the list.
  6. PaulMinternational

    PaulMinternational Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2022
    A lot of this depends on you and if your willing to take a risk. Myself it would come down to current age/needs and would I be willing to give up a solid job to risk being laid off a time or two till I could get that seniority that keeps me working at the better of the two.

    Got kids?
    Money issues?
    Immediate needs/goals?
    A husband/wife or it, that needs that insurance to be up to date?

    Not many can give real insight on this without a lot more info and even then they could only give a “this is what I would or would have done when I was at a similar point in my life”
    Siinman, QotisFiya and ZVar Thank this.
  7. Opus

    Opus Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    South GA
    A bird in the hand......
    Yeah, UPS wants you back for their peak season, but come February, you'll be looking again.
    Hey, if Walmart works for you, I say stay.
    Siinman, Crude Truckin', Judge and 3 others Thank this.
  8. Cat sdp

    Cat sdp . .

    Apr 8, 2012
    Orion's Belt
    Slip seating a sleeper truck is reason enough to leave
  9. PaulMinternational

    PaulMinternational Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2022
    A lot of UPS drivers I know started during peek and had to endure a layoff or two before they got to stay on past peak. Think the worst I heard was 3 layoffs before they got on but I really don’t know if that’s the norm or not.
    QotisFiya Thanks this.
  10. QotisFiya

    QotisFiya Bobtail Member

    Dec 6, 2018
    Well I have no kids, im single and only 27. To throw away 3 years would be a bummer. Possibly never get hired again at UPS as an off the street feeder Driver. Plus I’m 1 year from top pay. I do like Walmart, I have my own truck, I enjoy working days & making 6 grand a month is not that bad. With UPS I’ll be trading a pension and free health insurance till I die for 6% match at Walmart with okay insurance benefits.

    I’ll have to make a decision soon. If I do go back, I would be going back on Sleepers with my A Driver.
  11. upnorthwpg

    upnorthwpg Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2011
    Tough call. You’re young enough, staying with ups and giving up Walmart for long term job prospects might be smart. Look long term. But it’s a risk… the market has shifted and it’s in the employers ball park now. Lots of drivers out there looking for work.
    QotisFiya, Opus and ibcalm19 Thank this.
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