Werner Trainer on this forum

Discussion in 'Werner' started by Cruser711, Mar 7, 2015.

  1. Lightside

    Lightside Medium Load Member

    Jul 4, 2015
    What would you recommend to a new CDL driver with Werner then? Run the whole 48 or give this 3 state drive a try?
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  3. Davezilla

    Davezilla Medium Load Member

    May 19, 2009
    I would usually recommend teaming, but you can try either. Werner is more than willing to let people switch accounts, but if you get off a team truck it could be a few days before you get your own. Teaming was always fun for me, as long as we had a set schedule and didn't get territorial over anything. It was pretty good and the money was excellent. You get an extra $1000 paycheck every month for like 6-8 months, on top of higher pay. There is also some other mileage bonus, but I could never figure it out. Was a hell of a lot better paying than anything else. Very little hassle once you get into it.

    My last team driver nearly cried when I dropped him off. This big tough guy.

    It's also better because you don't have to hunt for parking, you just pull into the fuel island and swap over and keep going. The amount of backing and customer BS is about half as much or less. Most days you will start by switching shifts at a fuel pump and make one drop or pickup.

    The best part was not having to worry about hours. When it got to 5am or 5pm, we would swap regardless of what was going on. So no worrying about running out of hours, just drive until your shift ends and hand the other driver the rest of the load. No stress in that regard.

    If I wasn't being spoiled with this APU, I would probably be teaming right now. It was one of the best experiences of my 3 years over there. I've actually been considering going back to teaming and grabbing a little pup at the local humane society.
    Lightside Thanks this.
  4. bamamac

    bamamac Medium Load Member

    Nov 4, 2010
    I think the only dedicated acct. that pays close to teaming is the dollar general.
  5. Davezilla

    Davezilla Medium Load Member

    May 19, 2009
    I've seen too many people get hurt on that account. Or family dollar. One guy fell off his catwalk and got wedged between the exhaust and the truck and was burned badly. He was stuck there getting burned and couldn't get himself out.

    I'm not sure if I would recommend that. Lots of arm and knee injuries.
  6. bamamac

    bamamac Medium Load Member

    Nov 4, 2010
    That is what Chris said. He trained on a dollar general truck all through Texas. He told,me that one of those containers got away from him and fell off the lift gate.Also said alot of drivers are doing chores around the Dallas terminal because of injuries substained from the DG account
  7. BostonTanker

    BostonTanker Road Train Member

    May 2, 2015
    Boston, MA
    They do. One thing werner needs to do is more training on those accounts. I got set free on the dollar tree account as soon as i got into windsor, however i had previous experience with moving and know how to unload trucks.
    Also, every dc for those accounts should allow as much close quarters manuvering as a driver wants. My first load was a pup trailer due to where i was going ( small area's not large enough for a 53 ) i practiced for 2 hrs different backing and foward manuvering before i left.
  8. future trucker man

    future trucker man Light Load Member

    May 1, 2013
    worste trucking comapny ever and the worste pizza ever too !
  9. CargoWahgo

    CargoWahgo Road Train Member

    Jan 10, 2012
    Louisville, Kentucky
    You deserve a nuttap.
    Meet me behind tractor supply!!!!

    I love the extra mushroom cheese and sauce.

    Pizza palace in Seymour Indiana is better. Will deliver to the ta.

    Werner still sucks.
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