What I learned this week.

Discussion in 'Road Stories' started by Eight433, Dec 4, 2006.

  1. supertrucker

    supertrucker Light Load Member

    Sep 19, 2006
    Lost Highway
    I just lost another Wilson but this time I hit a hawk at 70 plus mph in West Virginia:biggrin_25510::biggrin_25513:
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  3. CMoore2004

    CMoore2004 Road Train Member

    Nov 2, 2007
    For number two, just look for a flatbetter. I've pulled quite a few of our drivers. The guy who doesn't ask doesn't get help. If you can, make it an O/O--they're not usually afraid of getting in trouble with the company.
  4. bigredinternational

    bigredinternational Light Load Member

    Feb 28, 2008
    omaha, ne
    I was blocking the entrance to an old folks home (highrise) in Chicago cause I was head to head with the L. I called 911. Took cop 15 minutes to roll up behind me. He was nice enough. I was grateful for his help. He didn't even ticket me and I was surely not supposed to be there. Last time I ever drove in Chicago without a low clearance map.

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