What would you do ?

Discussion in 'Canadian Truckers Forum' started by classicxl, May 10, 2024.

  1. classicxl

    classicxl Medium Load Member

    Dec 16, 2006
    I ve applied to a company with a salary of $75.000 a year shunting trailers from a pet food manufacturer to their drop yard mon-friday. I might have to go in for 11pm-12 am sunday night , Here’s my problem it’s a 5 year contract with 3-4 years left and when asked so what happens if you guys lose the contract or decide not to renew . I asked would there be other local work for me and would i stay at the $75k salary . The recruiter said he didn’t know he couldn’t guarantee anything . He said if you’re a good driver they could probably find you something . The pet food manufacturer owner is good friends with one of the managers at the trucking company and the recruiter him self knows the owners son and got his friend a job working with pet food company . we all know in contracts it comes down to $$$ not necessarily personal relationships . Recruiter said they are in the process of buying up another small company who has local trucks so there might be a position available if they did lose the contract

    My question is would you leave a job who you’ve worked for for 12 years that yes is a lower paying job for a guaranteed $75k job but no guarantee once the contract comes up they will have a local position available . Or should i stay where i’m at and look for something more concrete but no salary guarantee
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  3. Albertaflatbed

    Albertaflatbed Light Load Member

    Nov 20, 2022
    Nisku, AB
    I'd probably take it. In fact I know I would.

    I moved last May to a line haul job with the contract expiring in the fall of 2025. For me, better money and a change of pace from what i was doing (over dimensional). If they don't get the contract I'll easily be able to find something else at that time.

    Take the better wage and don't look back.

    In 4 years or so there will be other opportunities if not there then elsewhere.
  4. classicxl

    classicxl Medium Load Member

    Dec 16, 2006

    the local market in the GTA sucks it’s either crappy pay or high paying companies with bad management or other issues. I’ve been looking for a while and it’s not so easy to jump from one company to another. just when i think a found a decent company it’s either one thing or the other . Also the $75k company only offers 2 weeks vacation instead of my current 4 weeks off and no retirement plan right now
  5. Albertaflatbed

    Albertaflatbed Light Load Member

    Nov 20, 2022
    Nisku, AB
    Yeah, benefits are certainly worth a consideration as well

    The 4 weeks vacation would be a big one.

    For me, I only take 2 weeks every fall for moose camp and I'm well set for retirement so easier to jump and not worry about it.

    That vacation makes it a hard decision.

    ask your current employer for a bit of a raise or a few extra days off or something, worst they can do is say no.

    Glad I'm not in the GTA everything I hear about the job market for drivers there is not as good as out here.
    AModelCat Thanks this.
  6. classicxl

    classicxl Medium Load Member

    Dec 16, 2006

    Yah a raise isn’t going to happen , i talked to a fellow driver this week who likes to kiss ### and talk to dispatch and everyone in head office . he asked the manager in prescott hey are we getting a raise soon , her response a raise yah no there’s no future plans for one . which really pissed me off when he said that . especially since we’re the lowest paid out of all the companies we own .

    My biggest fear is not being able to retire and i don’t see how i will be able to working here making $55-60k a year and oh don’t forget that big bonus of may 2k for the year . They do have a match program if you can afford to put any money towards it . i’m 38 now with nothing put towards a pension and was talking to a driver just last week who’s 67 and he says he will never be able to retire which is really said and he stays with his daughter
  7. Albertaflatbed

    Albertaflatbed Light Load Member

    Nov 20, 2022
    Nisku, AB
    Yeah, I understand that, trying to save for retirement and still have money to live is not easy.

    I'm 55 and my wife (she's a red seal journeyman parts technician)and I were fortunate to be able to put money away and own a house.

    Hard decision for you, good vacation and long tenure at the current company or jump for more cash but maybe unemployed in a couple years....
  8. AModelCat

    AModelCat Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    For the costs of living out there you'd think the pay would reflect that.
    Magoo1968 Thanks this.
  9. Judge

    Judge Road Train Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    I did a contract run for a pet food company.
    2 year contract, did good, until this year, another company with all o/o underbid it by half, and their drivers think it’s best thing ever as their paid around $2/mile plus fsc. but it was 4.60/mile and fsc putting it just shy of 5/mile, but their killing it!
    Several have lost their trucks, but by hire new lease ops every week.

    Simply, you can make money, pretty easy work, but they hold no allegiance.
    But i’d go for it, a lot can happen in 3-4 years.
    Sirscrapntruckalot Thanks this.
  10. upnorthwpg

    upnorthwpg Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2011
    Are you working for the company, or a company hired by the pet food company?
  11. Sether

    Sether Light Load Member

    Jun 17, 2010
    Ingersoll ON
    Pretty sure I know the company you're asking about. They would find ya different stuff if that contract ever ended or they walked away from it, chances are the salary would change Their salary is tied to the contract with each individual customer so one customer might be 75 but their next one might be 68 etc.
    wifi_guru Thanks this.
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