The overwhelming majority of airports require trucks to supply fuel.
Yes, major airports like DFW, ATL, LAX, JFK or CHI have pipeline supply. But there’s a helluva lot of airports in between.
What's gonna happen to fuel hauling?
Discussion in 'Tanker, Bulk and Dump Trucking Forum' started by Life on Wheels, Nov 5, 2020.
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What I find amusing is the more obvious question that all the eggheads seem to ignore.
How do they plan to make all this electricity they want everything to run on?
- Largely populated areas like Texas and California can’t keep up with current demands.
- The eggheads are hell bent on closing the coal burning plants
- Neither hydro or wind could produce enough.
- And, they’ll never allow another nuclear plant.
Personally, I feel the first step should be to require all Kentuckians to travel by horse and buggy.Last edited: Aug 25, 2021
TokyoJoe, 86scotty, HiramKingWilliams and 1 other person Thank this. -
Green energy can produce more than enough power but it has disadvantages, namely nothing beats diesel for energy storage and you typically have to have a spare generator to run maintenance on the other ones so dealing with spikes is easier. -
FFL Trucker Thanks this.
FFL Trucker and 86scotty Thank this.
Frank Speak Thanks this.
I used to live in a man camp down in Monahan's and if it got too cold the pipes would freeze and we wouldn't have water, Washington state on the other hand has building code to deal with cold weather.
Lubbock is pretty much the wind power capital of the US, the biggest hurdle green power has is energy storage. With a diesel generator you already have that energy storage in place in the form of the tanks that hold the diesel, it's already part of the system. -
Yeah sweetwater definitely has a lot of truck traffic carrying blades but it's only claim to fame is being the rattlesnake capital of the US. I used to pick up frac sand at the railyard there and delivered crude oil there as well, I prefer mountains to flat land though. -
Last edited: Aug 29, 2021
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