Where do I go?

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Chi Town Steers, Sep 29, 2024.

  1. Chi Town Steers

    Chi Town Steers Medium Load Member

    Aug 10, 2015
    I don’t believe anything a recruiter says, nor most of what companies say. And also thanks for the advice. Well said.
    77fib77, Albertaflatbed and tscottme Thank this.
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  3. StompToad

    StompToad Light Load Member

    Jan 13, 2022
    You believed Western Express, tho. Not one decent company is going to be impressed that you are bailing from WE. If you couldn't find a better company 3 months ago, why do you think you will find a better one 3 months from now?
  4. Chi Town Steers

    Chi Town Steers Medium Load Member

    Aug 10, 2015
    3 months ago I had no experience. Now I have some. I got what I needed. Would a year look better on paper, sure, i guess. Everyone knows that you leave WE. No one is here for very long.
    Wargames Thanks this.
  5. StompToad

    StompToad Light Load Member

    Jan 13, 2022
    3 months isn't experience. Not for what you're looking for. Anything now will be a lateral move. When I said show your loyalty, I didn't mean to WE, I meant prove to your next employer that you're serious about being a professional in the industry.
  6. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    OTR Company Van Drivers

    Here's a dry van outfit that's under the radar. They'll take you at 6 months according to this website here. Smaller company but they seem to be ok. @Peace_Maker used to work there I think. He can give you the info.
    Chi Town Steers Thanks this.
  7. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
  8. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    I know you got a buzz cut when you injured your head.
    Is there enough length for a hair follicle drug test.
    If not they'll take hair from other parts of your body where the hair doesn't grow very fast.
    Chi Town Steers and 77fib77 Thank this.
  9. 77fib77

    77fib77 Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2010
    St Louis
    I think 6 months experience is better. Keep your nose clean for a year and try UPS holiday rush? You need a year no accidents, tickets, ECT.

    6 months will put in January, the worst time of the year for trucking.

    Clearing 85k a year it can be done, but UPS line haul teams, or OTR for a cryo job which needs 2 to 3 years of clean driving record. Some flat companies pay 100+ gross. Ltl can be 65 to 100 gross.
    Chi Town Steers Thanks this.
  10. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
    Right here, :bootyshake:, and that burrito I had a while back wants out,,,moving on, I would stay put, look at it this way, as more drivers quit, you'll move up the ranks pretty quick. 3 months is not enough time to experience everything, ESPECIALLY with winter around the corner, is it really that bad? Remember, many times, a new job is the same $#!+, different shovel. Get a year in, I know, will seem like eternity, but 3 months to a new employer looks bad, like you have to get out, and employers frown on that. A year, you can go anywhere, then make some better money. You won't gain much by going on with another lower class company.
  11. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Congrats, you are in the learning phase of your job or is it a career?
    Why should they?

    Seriously what do you expect to get as a break?
    Not really, can't see how with 3 months.

    I think a lot of new drivers are way overpaid for what they actually do.
    Nope, they always could fire any driver for any reason since this industry was established.
    You are very wrong.
    It takes time, salary is based on experience and a safe record.

    Good for you, get more, I think 2 years makes you look better and this is where you need to focus on, looking good in front and employer to be above the other drivers who are just steering wheel holders.
    2 years would be better.

    Owners/carriers who want better drivers want to see drivers stay in one place for a long time, I expect five years but have let three years at one company be the entry point for a place here. I have drivers who have 15 years at the same company that have done great here. I also have drivers leave because of better opportunities or they retired, I strive for a very low turnover rate and have been successful.

    On the other hand, to me, the CDL program needs to be revised, and actual practical testing needs to be done. The written tests are so easy; my youngest kid has passed the practice tests without any mistakes. my oldest three have CDLs, and one is under 21, so she can still drive intrastate, but come on, man, this is really easy to get a license.

    Easy licensing is why we have so many bad drivers. Someone said in another forum that there are 20 to 1 bad to good drivers now, it used to be 2 to 1.
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