You Drive Our World, Let's Drive Change in Yours!

Discussion in 'Driver Health' started by WorkingTrucks2023, Jul 27, 2023.

  1. WorkingTrucks2023

    WorkingTrucks2023 Bobtail Member

    Jul 27, 2023

    We're a dedicated team of graduate students and researchers from Cal, UTokyo, and Chalmers, working closely with a major transport and logistics company. Our primary aim? To enhance YOUR lives on the road!

    To make this a reality, we need your insights. That's why we've created a brief survey that delves into various facets of your work life - from job satisfaction and working hours, to route preferences and your thoughts on cutting-edge tech like electric trucks.

    **Why should you participate?** Because your feedback has power! It guides us in pinpointing what changes are needed to improve your working conditions. All it takes is a maximum of 5 minutes of your time to make a big difference.

    We firmly believe that your voice matters, and we want to ensure it echoes throughout the industry. Participate in the survey here: (Exploring Working Conditions for Truck Drivers).

    If you have any questions or concerns about the survey or our project, please don't hesitate to reach out to us directly or comment below. Together, we can drive significant changes that uplift the trucking community and benefit drivers everywhere!

    Thank you in advance for your invaluable insights and your time!
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  3. JoeyJunk

    JoeyJunk Road Train Member

    Dec 31, 2010
    Washington, PA
    LOL. We still haven’t heard from the last 10 universities that came here wanting to help.

    You’re a day late and a dollar short. Our voice hasn’t mattered in decades. That’s why the industry has retention problems.

    And the fact that you don’t know this means you know nothing about what you are aiming for. You aren’t going to change anything.

    Frankly I’d rather talk to a brick wall then talk to a college graduate or researcher about what is wrong with our industry.
  4. Oxbow

    Oxbow Road Train Member

    Nov 24, 2015
    ###### Joey, quit ##### footin around and tell them how you really feel! Lol
  5. JoeyJunk

    JoeyJunk Road Train Member

    Dec 31, 2010
    Washington, PA
    This happens once a month. People who are so disconnected with the reality of our industry thinking they can help. They’ve been in college having their heads filled with nonsense. The real world hasn’t given them that big dose of reality yet.

    And researchers. Don’t get me started. Research what exactly?!? Nothing to research. The government and money are involved. What us peasants say doesn’t matter.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2023
  6. Judge

    Judge Road Train Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    I no longer tell people I drive a truck for a living anymore, I tell them I draw welfare, get more respect.
    Deere hunter, Oxbow, Opus and 2 others Thank this.
  7. hope not dumb twucker

    hope not dumb twucker Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2022
    Tell them your in entertainment. Get paid to keep clothes on.
    Flat Earth Trucker and JoeyJunk Thank this.
  8. hope not dumb twucker

    hope not dumb twucker Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2022
    Or mommy and daddy money helping to keep them a safe bubble.
    Flat Earth Trucker and JoeyJunk Thank this.
  9. WorkingTrucks2023

    WorkingTrucks2023 Bobtail Member

    Jul 27, 2023
    I hear you, loud and clear. And you're right, many of us don't really understand the reality of trucking life, and that's a problem.

    I'm not here to pretend that we have all the answers or that we can solve every issue overnight. Heck, I wish we could! But I do honestly believe that your input matters and that it will help improve things.

    About the 'peasant' thing, man, I gotta tell you, that's not how we see you at all. You're the backbone of this industry, the ones who keep the wheels turning. And it sucks if you've been made to feel otherwise.

    We're working with a logistics company that wants to do better. They're actually keen to hear from you guys and make things better based on what you say. We're just trying to open that line of communication.

    Appreciate your honesty, it gives us a lot to think about. Thanks again.
  10. Tumbleweed TowMan

    Tumbleweed TowMan Medium Load Member

    Jun 22, 2022
    Did anyone look at the survey?

    It's basically irrelevant questions, how long worked / have you changed jobs / how many times / blah blah

    And then there are 3 questions about EV.
    --- What type of truck(s) do you drive today
    --- How do you feel about the use of electric trucks
    --- What are your primary concerns (of EV trucks)

    This isn't research to help better the trucker, this is a survey to see if truckers are on-board with EV.

    I suggest you all take it, and answer the last 3 questions, about EV, with the same answer you would give in a post here.
  11. WorkingTrucks2023

    WorkingTrucks2023 Bobtail Member

    Jul 27, 2023
    Thanks for taking a look at the survey and sharing your thoughts. Your perspective really helps us see where we might be missing the mark.

    Regarding the questions about EVs, we theorized that this is an issue that might be highly relevant to truckers' working conditions, and we wanted to explore it in particular. But we understand that the focus should be broader, and your feedback brings attention to that.

    If there are specific areas or questions that you feel would be more relevant to truckers, please share your ideas! We genuinely want to understand ALL aspects of your work, preferences, and needs.

    We're not here to push any particular agenda, instead we want to learn and understand from those who know the industry best. Your insights makes a real difference, and your candid feedback is highly appreciated.

    Looking forward to hearing any suggestions you might have, and thanks again for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.
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