CBD can ruin your trucking options

Discussion in 'Trucking Schools and CDL Training Forum' started by tscottme, Feb 13, 2024.

  1. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
    I agree, I've long thought, how stupid( or ignorant) could you be, doing any kind of drug in this, or any regulated industry, and think you'll be fine. It goes back to our American "not me" attitude, and quite frankly, these people get what they deserve. The drug test is black or white, no gray areas here, like some Americans would like. One could argue, we have too much freedom, and when something like this comes along, how un-American, there must be an easy way out. I realize this is a "help all" website, but some things still boil down to common sense.
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  3. Boardhauler

    Boardhauler Road Train Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    Ballin' in it for Shakey
    It's interesting to read all this knowing that my current trucking job is almost completely dependent on the cannabis industry.

    Also, when I started driving there was no drug testing. IIRC when they first started testing they couldn't test for THC. When they did start testing for weed, several of my friends quit driving. I just quit smoking, it really wasn't a big deal to me.
    I do have to comment that for my first million miles I was probably stoned for 700K. All of us were and we seemed to get plenty of trucking done with no extraordinary mishaps.
    I'm not sure I would try that now, given the potency of today's product.
    I do have a kinda funny story about CBD/THC, but I'm just finished loading (my trailer I mean) and I'm afraid to incriminate myself.
  4. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    I remember fueling at the fuel islands and another truck would pull into the fuel pumps next to me.
    The driver would open the door of the tractor and there was a strong waft of pot smoke & smell. That was common at that time.
  5. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
    Oh, on shaky ground there, my friend. I've always been against the "War on Drugs", and have feared for a long time any repercussions on admittance to smoking weed and trucking here. But I'm pushing 70, and don't give a darn. It really shouldn't matter, that was 30 years ago, still, it was no mystery, truck driving was custom made for drinkers, smokers and druggies. It was why most went into trucking. We got paid to do that. I'm not advocating in any way, or going to admit to anything, I did my share, but distracted driving seems to be way more of an issue than drugs or smoking weed ever was. I too fell through the cracks for years, and some pretty impressive jobs, I might add. I tried every gimmick known, and eventually got busted. Didn't matter that I had 3 million safe miles, many stoned, I was done and just as well, by then I wanted no part of the industry. It's black and white today, people think MJ is heroin, and just isn't so. I happened to move to a state that embraces the fact, there is medical value, unlike Wisconsin, still wallowing in their booze. I too would be very concerned about driving a truck high today, the stuff out here is strong, and should be treated like any other intoxicant. 3 or 4 days later to get busted really needs to be addressed, however. It went on a lot more than people like to or will admit.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2024
  6. The one california kid

    The one california kid Medium Load Member

    Oct 31, 2023
    So then, just throw this bong away I got in the truck, disguised as a dash cam??
    tscottme Thanks this.
  7. The one california kid

    The one california kid Medium Load Member

    Oct 31, 2023
    While you guys brought it up, this reminds me of the very last load I ever hauled. See, this guy I know knew this chemistry guy who told me that he could make a spray scent that smelled like female dogs in heat, that would attract the man's dogs away from my million dollar haul! So ok, I'll try this out, and the last thing I remember hearing at the weigh station was: Man! That is the most stuff we've ever confiscated! The other officer: yeah, but did you see how hard those dogs were ####*ng that driver? LOL
    tscottme Thanks this.
  8. 2Tap

    2Tap Medium Load Member

    Jul 19, 2022
    Southern Wisconsin
    Bruh, you're not supposed to sample your own product.
    The one california kid Thanks this.
  9. 2Tap

    2Tap Medium Load Member

    Jul 19, 2022
    Southern Wisconsin
    I have no issue with safely partaking in whatever tickles your cerebral cortex. However i've noticed that most morons who smoke pot habitually seem to think it's ok to drive. Years ago a few would boast it actually made them better drivers. Having blazed once upon a time myself i know that not to be true and that cavalier attitude towards impaired driving bugs the **** out of me.

    Rebuilding part of my shed yesterday and the neighbor who is an independent contractor for a major telecommunications company decides to rip a fatty and then go ripping off to work in his 1/2 ton dodge with said company branded magnetic sticker and pulling their ditch witch.

    Minding your own business while admirable is really kind of stupid if you play the scenario out in your head. He creams someone while driving and you knew. I'm really against other peoples stupidity affecting other people. I'm calling the po po next time he does it and i should have narc'd him out yesterday.
    Old_n_gray and Tb0n3 Thank this.
  10. dieselpowered

    dieselpowered Heavy Load Member

    May 16, 2016

    I am against drugs and anything that would impair a driver performing their duty however to say one thing is more dangerous like pot over another problem that's more common like say texting,watching a movie or some form of distracted driving which far exceeds the number of accidents compared impaired with alcohol and drugs combined.

    But no one seems to want this to stop as much like its acceptable to an extent I don't even mean for truckers it is overall the number one cause of an accident in the US there are only two fixes I see to stop it only two make standard driving a thing again less impact because people out of big cities will continue. The next choice and immediate would be mandatory government enforcement making phone unusable while in motion. To be honest neither I see will ever come to be because of the uproar of entitlements of people who cannot be live without connection to their devices which is where most people are unless you like own a ranch and actually prefer outdoors to people.
    tscottme and 201 Thank this.
  11. Wisether

    Wisether Bobtail Member

    Mar 31, 2024
    It's wild to think about how things have evolved over time. And your honesty about your past experiences is refreshing. It's good to hear that you were able to adapt when needed. As for CBD and THC, it's definitely a different game these days with the potency of products. It's a bit of a balancing act, isn't it? Although, I understand if you'd rather not share it publicly.
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