Danny Herman Orientation

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Canwil3565, Feb 13, 2019.

  1. dieselpowered

    dieselpowered Heavy Load Member

    May 16, 2016

    Who cares? so your fine with people taking money that could be yours? is your time not worth it? personally even swift paid me for detention Danny Herman will never be top tier pay. though neither will swift but you know when you think 3k miles on .38 cpm is good. All you get is a low flat rate with bonuses. below the national standard being.40 cpm they think so little of there drivers to pay so little. hell even swift gives .40
    and there I even hear swift got a new pay increase recently I have been told that I don't know atm but maybe one them will drop down here who know about it. But you put out you don't care about extra pay that could help increase a paycheck.

    Making more then most companies? who we compare to your below the national standard unless your local driver making 10$ hourly which your home every night I can't knock them out your getting say 40 hours thats 400$ if your making less you seriously need consider a new line of work lets say you do .38 do 3000 miles weekly forget the bonus thats what 798 take home? that's off 30% with taxes I still made more at swift. I had a great driver manager he ran me.

    I am not saying that's bad if you like it more power to you but these other drivers will kick your arse saying take home less than 1k per week low. I agree but sometimes if you want hometime and okay pay you have to make a pay cut. Sometimes not theres local drivers who will make more money at UPS, or FedEx, let's throw in old dominion, and Estess express last but not least Walmart I do throw the love there. these are companies that drivers make more then both companies would give. if you think you make more than those companies your welcome try debate that but I think everyone will call BS.
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  3. HD_Renegade

    HD_Renegade Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2010
    North Carolina
    I am sorry driver, but you are so wrong on this one. I make .515 cents per mile, most trips are over 2400 miles. I get paid detention pay starting after the first 2 hours. I get layover pay, I do not have to fuel at certain fuel stops, no routing solution, and I am paid practical miles instead of the zip code BS.
  4. TruckGal13

    TruckGal13 Light Load Member

    Aug 11, 2014
    Petoskey, MI
    Okeedokee...my questions and concerns have been confirmed! Thanks for all the posts in this thread...I’ve already worked for free for waaayyy too many hours
    HD_Renegade Thanks this.
  5. Tex-Rex-2020

    Tex-Rex-2020 Bobtail Member

    Mar 14, 2020
    Here is there most recent review:

    Not the same company it use to be they have changed so much the past 2 years. They are starting to act like a mega carrier and the drivers are coming unglued. Alot of drivers say the company is trying to flush out the older drivers to pave the way for cheaper student drivers. Now we have way too many drivers and not enough freight to go around for everyone and the drivers are now complaining about sitting too much not making money. Here are the recent changes that have all the drivers up in arms and quitting. 1. They dropped the 2 year experience and have broght in students and trainers. 2. They partnered with 2 very large truck driving schools to keep a steady flow. 3. Installed cameras in all the trucks and started the micromanaging "coaching" that comes along with it. 4. Implemented a fuel solutions program that dictates your route and all specific fuel stops. 5. Stripping down the trucks to save money like of all things the seats where we spent about 70% of our day these cheap seats are so uncomfortable and start leaning to one side after a while your sore after sitting in them for a few hours.
    Coffey, rachi and WesternPlains Thank this.
  6. dieselpowered

    dieselpowered Heavy Load Member

    May 16, 2016
    Did they drop the APU yet? The ones they had were garbage I myself know they were garbage was constant having it worked on just to have working AC when sleeping. I had better sleeping arrangements from Swift which is saying something. I wasn't only one who had those issues talked to 10 other drivers who I just randomly met at a truck stop some were at shippers they all said one common issue the APU was trash. As for the fuel issue, I actually think would work out better then what they had to be honest maybe it's just me but having guess if there's a fuel stop in your state your in or if you had the paper stating where the fuel at in states. Do they have navigation install in trucks finally? I normally don't like company GPS but the very fact you have to spend your 1st paycheck buy one just because they are so cheap and don't want to install one in the trucks.
    WesternPlains Thanks this.
  7. HD_Renegade

    HD_Renegade Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2010
    North Carolina
    Very good review, you left it one part. They don't want to pay drivers much either. They are well below the national average on pay per mile. I make a lot more money sense I left there, and a lot happier doing so.
    jethro712, Coffey and WesternPlains Thank this.
  8. Tex-Rex-2020

    Tex-Rex-2020 Bobtail Member

    Mar 14, 2020
    They switched from Thermo King to Carrier as of 2021 model trucks
  9. Tex-Rex-2020

    Tex-Rex-2020 Bobtail Member

    Mar 14, 2020
    Wow their reviews are terrible these days on every platform I can find. Google, Indeed, Glassdoor, Truckers Report
    Coffey Thanks this.
  10. dieselpowered

    dieselpowered Heavy Load Member

    May 16, 2016
    I know of a lot of drivers the CPM is only a small part of the pay the other issue with Danny Herman Trucking they have you sit hours on end for shippers and you won't see a penny extra.

    Well normally that's a sign to stay away from a company for future employment but some people will be a glutton for punishment. Like the old saying, I can bring a horse to water but I can't force it to drink it.
    Tex-Rex-2020 and HD_Renegade Thank this.
  11. HD_Renegade

    HD_Renegade Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2010
    North Carolina
    Like you said, they have not just changed, but changed for the worse. It was once a really good company to drive for even with the low pay.
    mlavelle3 and Tex-Rex-2020 Thank this.
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