Luckily these days you don't have to drive anywhere. You can typically submit video for evidence over online forms. If it completely exonerates you you don't have to waste your time or the courts time.
Dash cams tell the truth, cops lie
Discussion in 'Trucking Industry Regulations' started by TheLoadOut, Nov 28, 2024.
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blairandgretchen Thanks this.
You do what works best for you though!Last edited: Nov 30, 2024
Bean Jr., hope not dumb twucker, RockinChair and 2 others Thank this. -
hope not dumb twucker Thanks this.
blairandgretchen Thanks this.
Last edited: Nov 30, 2024
Bean Jr., hope not dumb twucker and Numb Thank this. -
How about showing him the same respect that you would anyone else.Bean Jr., hope not dumb twucker, MACK E-6 and 2 others Thank this. -
I should've titled the thread differently as when I first watched it I felt the cop was just grasping for something for the reason to stop him and used following too close. Perhaps if he had shown the cop the footage instead of getting immediately defensive the stop would have lasted maybe 3 minutes. Who knows, you can't tell with cops these days.
And 30 years as a cop? The minute I'd be elligible for retirement I'd be gone from that line of work.hope not dumb twucker, Iamoverit, Banker and 1 other person Thank this. -
LEO on the other hand? You couldn't pay me enough to deal with what they have to on a weekly basis. What's the average salary for an entry level LEO, let alone a 20-30 year vet, like the Arkansas State Trooper in this video?
Bean Jr., REO6205, Banker and 1 other person Thank this.
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