Hazmat Placard Holders for Flatbed

Discussion in 'Hazmat Trucking Forum' started by AFC, Mar 27, 2024.

  1. AFC

    AFC Light Load Member

    Jan 1, 2024
    Hey guys, I'm an owner op that is leased on. I'm getting my hazmat endorsement next week and want to know if anyone can tell me the best placards holders for flatbed trailer.
    I looked at Amazon but didn't see anything certain.
    Will the flip placards work for flatbed trailer? Any flatbed drivers that haul hazmat can tell me where they got there placard holders and where do they place them. Links would be helpful.

    Thank you in advance
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  3. OlegMel

    OlegMel Light Load Member

    Apr 8, 2023
    Yes the flip ones. They get riveted to the trailer usually, back is on dot bumper. Sides under rub rail etc
    AFC Thanks this.
  4. AFC

    AFC Light Load Member

    Jan 1, 2024
    Thank you.
  5. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    If you are stopped for an inspection -- make sure you have spare placards handy.

    -- L
  6. blairandgretchen

    blairandgretchen Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2011
    South west Missouri
    Rear - screw or rivet in


    Sides - screw in between all other boxes, racks and BS you have going on.


    Weld a stake pocket on the front of the trailer


    Carry a screw gun and the 'slip in' placard holder so you can change out if needed.


    YOU WILL NEED the slip in placard holders and some clear plastic cover sheets to prevent them flying out/ripping etc. UNLESS you absolutely know that the product you'll be hauling will fit into the 9 classes that the flip provides.

    OR you can buy the fancy ones with the 4 'rolodex' style flips that you can display UN numbers with.

    BEFORE you haul a hazmat load, you'd better know your stuff on all the routes, paperwork, requirements, railroad crossings ETC ETC ETC ad nauseam - because, it's a target on your back at all times, for the DOT.

    I set all this up and have probably hauled 2 loads in 5 years that were placarded - because flatbed loads of hazmat oughta pay $7-$10/mile for the risk involved, and all the added insurance and BS that comes with it.

    In my experience, the juice was not worth the squeeze. Most hazmat loads I see pay a smidge above legal freight.

    Flatbed hazmat comes with additional risk, don't take much for that forklift driver to nick a tote with his forks, and 100 miles down the road, you have a leaking trail of something nasty seeping through your deck, ruining your trailer, and when you do get pulled over - the HAZMAT clean up crew costs well over $10K to come and clean it up.

    Try a railroad crossing violation - that will cost you a 90 day CDL suspension, and another will see you flipping burgers for a year or two wondering why you had the dumb idea to haul hazmat on the spot market in the first place.

    Good luck.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2024
    REO6205, lual and gentleroger Thank this.
  7. FLHT

    FLHT Road Train Member

    Aug 2, 2014
    I take a placard and bolt 4 of those big OS flag magnets to it.
    Stick on front of trailer right front side. Never lost one yet.
    The stick in the post works well as long as the roads are smoother than the ones in Louisiana.
    AFC and blairandgretchen Thank this.
  8. blairandgretchen

    blairandgretchen Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2011
    South west Missouri
    That's a good idea.

    I peg a nail or screw in the bottom of the stick to keep it from popping out, bungee cord works too.
    North Pole Nightmare Thanks this.
  9. FLHT

    FLHT Road Train Member

    Aug 2, 2014

    Last time I bought one it was around $40 dollars.
    Theft is a problem with them here.
    The rest have a riveted both sides and rear.
    I added a bolt also to slow the thieves down.
    Front ones fit in my bunk door.
    We are required to have two showing on each side.
    The ones with numbers were $60 dollars each.
    I believe the day will be not far off when the numbered ones will be required.
    blairandgretchen and AFC Thank this.
  10. AFC

    AFC Light Load Member

    Jan 1, 2024
    Thank you. I ordered the flip placards. Will see about the loads once I'm set up. I take the test on Tuesday. I did the online required hazmat review course already, I also have done my background check just need the test. My dispatch says there are many hazmat loads for flatbed and they pay well. I will let you guys know if that is the case.
    blairandgretchen Thanks this.
  11. Judge

    Judge Road Train Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    Used to you could get the ones that go into pockets.
    Not like this guys.

    Sons Hero Thanks this.
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