I've been dying of a back ache, do the gel cushions help?

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Lloydsteven, Sep 1, 2024.

  1. JC1971

    JC1971 Road Train Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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  3. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Ok, you folks realize medical doctors have harmed and even killed people too? Stuff happens. That doesn't mean we shouldn't go see a medical doctor when we need one. There's lots of professional sports teams out there that actually have a chiropractor on their staff for the team. Do your due diligence, all are not equal.
    Flat Earth Trucker and tscottme Thank this.
  4. dieselpowered

    dieselpowered Heavy Load Member

    May 16, 2016
    I have known many who perfer them to a medical doctor ever so happy first option is surgery so he can buy a new car meanwhile months and years later you don't feel better but hey you shelling out lots of money for it

    there is also chiropractors getting sued for far less for malpractice compared to medical doctors

    can't put a price on quality work and lack of pain and not all them are doing the same, ring dinger is something this fellow created and most chiropractors will not do this because one its new its something you don't do over and over normally its done to 3 times and its all over so I am told I plan going there when I get vacation time after I plan going fishing in Galveston with my fishing kayak
    REO6205 Thanks this.
  5. silverspur

    silverspur Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2012
    If it works for you, then it works. He does have a lot of good reviews.
  6. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014
    I think you should go to him and report back to us on how things worked out. From what I see about your post you're exactly the kind of patient he's looking for.
    The_vett and Flat Earth Trucker Thank this.
  7. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
    I've had back problems most of my life, just learned to live with it. Years ago, had a powerful back ache, but refused to let it stop me from my favorite sport, snowmobiling. Snowmobiling can involve twists and turns, I made one rough move, CRACK,,,hmm, back is better. A driver I knew, pulled a tanker, terrible back pain, slipped on the ladder, while falling grabbed a rung of the ladder, and CRACK,,,his back was better. Of all the people I've known with back issues, and the bogus treatments they went through, oh, from the most professional of people, I can say without reservation, nothing works. It's just the way we are designed.
  8. PaulMinternational

    PaulMinternational Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2022
    After getting run over by a car I suffered some serious pain for a few years. Doctors had me try so many things I couldn't even remember them all now. Nothing g helped!
    I had an acquaintance point me to a specific chiropractor and decided to take a chance. One visit with him and 30 min later I was walking straight and pain free. Its been over 25 years since that visit and I'm still walking straight and pain Free!
    So no I wouldn't hesitate to go see a good, recommended chiropractor
    The_vett Thanks this.
  9. buddyd157

    buddyd157 Road Train Member

    May 25, 2017
    under a shade tree
    the only viable solution is to get a good disability lawyer..he (or she) will get you onto disability.

    you will only cause more damage, and as mentioned above, no amount of cushioning will help

    i personally been there, done that.....

    good luck
    The_vett Thanks this.
  10. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    I am surprised at how many didn't read the OP, as one who has had a couple dozen surgeries because of my accident in 2016, I along with a few others can not or would not drive a truck anymore to make a living.

    I occasionally drive a truck off the road to keep my skills sharp, especially backing skills but the pain just getting into the seat sometimes is too much, I don't do this often but enough to make me feel I made the right decision to focus on the company and not the driving. I don't get pain meds thanks to weak people in this world so I have to suffer along with millions of others.

    I went to pain management specialists who said chiropractor, so I did but after the 15-minute visit, he said he could increase the pain or screw me up for life, it is my choice, and sent the specialist a really nasty note asking them what store did they buy their Cracker-Jack box from to get their medical degree because he wants to report them.

    SO to the OP, don't think trucking is going to be a way to make money if you have back problems to the severity that I am assuming you have. It is one way to become permanently and deliberating disabled and possibly bedridden with pain that will make life miserable.
    buddyd157 and 201 Thank this.
  11. Rolling 50's

    Rolling 50's Bobtail Member

    Feb 29, 2024
    I've got a condition called Lower Crossed Syndrome, which means my pelvic bone is slightly tilted allowing the vertebrae to slip out of socket if I twist in just the wrong way. There is a chiropractic maneuver - a very violent one actually - that will pop it back into place. But often it happens when there's no chiropractor around or I just don't have time to deal with it. So what I do is, I've got the purple seat cushion and also a Goodyear lumbar support "pillow," and if I move that around to just the right spot I can drive essentially without much pain. I've also discovered that if I do this for a couple of days along with sleeping in the fetal position, the situation resolves itself, the vertebrae just slowly but surely works its way back into slot.
    Moosetek13 and silverspur Thank this.
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