Don't believe that he talking out his ### l mercer is a flatbed company van freight not that great i did van before going flat
Mercer Lease vs Mercer Brokerage
Discussion in 'Mercer' started by Gentlemanfarmer, Aug 13, 2016.
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I agree with u spyder
Not for very long. I already have quite a few carriers wanting me to come over to them. I am doing extreme homework on them before I make a decision. I will not get suckered again by a recruiters BS....nor will I invest my time and equipment into a carrier that plays games and willfully misrepresents themselves. This is how Mercer runs and its their business....but I dont have to be a part of it. Those that are a part of the secret handshake society at all means stay have your niche.
Its funny that the Mercer favorites call the seasoned O/O's that leave Mercer(even the ones that had their own authority) failures and "not knowing the Mercer system." They are not failures....they have been enlightened and saw through the veil of rigged system and sneaky behaviors.
VA - Springfld to OH - Cincinnati 2017-01-18 F 518miles 45000lbs $1.29per mile $669.81
This load has a 84 mile dead head.
This is from their own load board! I added dollar signs and formated it after I cut and pasted it so people can understand it better. The numbers you see are all correct!! This is the type of trash you will get offered if you are not a Mercer favorite.
However, I can forewarn others before they get baited.
I am about business. You must take care of business or the business will take care of you....and not in a good way. Trust me on this. Have I made many friends at Mercer. Yes...the majority of them are drivers. Many of which have quit.
Its pretty simple. Long as you are one of their favorites you will be in clover. Mercer tries to say they have a level playing field....but all I have seen is the opposite.
I dont get pissed about it.....I will just leave. Let Mercer keep being the O/O mill it is. -
Why show the lowest that nobody is going to hual anyhow? I see plenty of $2.50-$3 loads (on a Sunday LOL). Besides VA sucks and that's no secret.
earlybird1104 Thanks this. -
What's this favorite ur job I don't anyone but to get freight never seems to me u in the wrong field every trucking company has flaws...maybe u need to find a different career
U want show the good loads
VA sucks huh. VA doesnt suck.
Its Mercer that cant get any freight in the area.
Actually I saw one load going to Virginia from Topeka KS. (have your barf bag handy)
Its a 12' wide load that only pays $1.91 per mile LOL. REALLY!!!!
I have yet to see any $2.50 loads. Its rare to see loads over $2.00 for that matter of any substance.
I am not talking about the $2.50 loads that might go 150 miles lol.
Part of the Mercer game is to hide loads and divert loads to their favorites. This can be done different ways.
#1 The broker can hold it back for their favorites. Then dispatch the load for their buddy. If the broker gets caught and busted the broker tries to say "the customer wanted that driver. Thats a lie.
#2 The broker holds back the load and notifies their driver buddy that they have a load.....and tells them when they will post it. This is usually done at odd hours.....or on the weekend. They also give the members of the Secret Handshake Society a heads up when good paying loads are up coming...and where there are...and when they are. Can anyone say insider trading lol
#3 The load board themselves can be configured and set so the people in the secret handshake society can see specific loads. The others cannot. There are various ways Mercer can set preferences for certain drivers. I like to call them "the have and have nots." Despite Mercer denying that this practice exists.....several Mercer insiders have confirmed that it does.
There is no real sense about going back and forth on this. Mercer is not a trucking utopia as the fan bois want you to believe. People are quitting constantly. Especially the O/O that can see through the BS. When they quit or complain the fan bois label them as "failures."
I believe the proof is in the pudding. For those considering going down the Mercer rabbit hole let me suggest this.....If you run into a Mercer driver ask him/her if you can see loads within @ 150 miles. Do this with a total of 3 drivers when you run into them. All you will see is bargain basement trash rates.....that unless you look at the load board of a fan boi. This is why I say check out a cross section of drivers.
PS. I love showing the load board to other drivers when I am at the lunch counter. Sure do. I come armed with the truth when I talk about Mercer. I will show them any part of the country they want. They are not impressed....and neither am I.Sami121323 Thanks this. -
MAN QUIT STOP B-I-t-c-h-I-n-g
Well asked me to show you something that I cant show you. Because it doesn't exist.
I explained why it doesn't exist for me and many others.
Call it Bitc*** so be it.Sami121323 Thanks this. -
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