Mercer Lease vs Mercer Brokerage

Discussion in 'Mercer' started by Gentlemanfarmer, Aug 13, 2016.

  1. mtoo

    mtoo Road Train Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Retired on bended knee
    a year from now @MOGLAR is still going to be at Mercer and still complaining or
    @MOGLAR is going to be at his new company and still complaining.
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  3. earlybird1104

    earlybird1104 Medium Load Member

    Dec 22, 2015
  4. mtoo

    mtoo Road Train Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Retired on bended knee
    But what if we are wrong about @MOGLAR ; perhaps he's making so much money and is so happy here @ Mercer, but he's a selfish fellow. He's tired of the competition and doesn't want any more trucks coming over. So he tells everyone what a bad outfit it is.

    After all when I signed on in 1989, there was this one pissed off dude in Louisville. He told me in no uncertain terms "I don't know why the hell they are putting more trucks on!! They don't have enough freight for the trucks they have!!!

    I had a pretty good, 27 year run before I retired. In spite of that dude!:laughing-guffaw::laughing-guffaw::laughing-guffaw:
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2017
    spyder7723 and Home_on_wheels Thank this.

    MOGLAR Heavy Load Member

    Jun 19, 2013
    Kansas City , MO
    Just keep slurping down the Koolaide my fellow drivers/recruiters.
  6. earlybird1104

    earlybird1104 Medium Load Member

    Dec 22, 2015
    Man a real person if they wasn't making money somewhere they be gone not ranting like u doing what u doing is making excuses for ur failure period..
    spyder7723 Thanks this.
  7. mtoo

    mtoo Road Train Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Retired on bended knee
    Well @MOGLAR I will give you credit for one thing. If it has been as bad here, for you, as you say and you still have your head above water. You are good at one thing. Managing your money, as anyone that has been long term successful with a truck knows, that is a must, no matter who's name is on the door.
  8. CJndaTruck

    CJndaTruck Road Train Member

    Nov 21, 2014
    Knoxville, TN (area)
    I think, and I could be wrong, that he must only look at matched loads. If that is the case then he probably does feel that there is a secret handshake club. I've said before and I'll repeat here that a high percentage of the loads I get I never matched to. Also I have my filters set to a point that I don't see this $1.50 freight that he speaks of. Although when I turn that filter off, sure enough it was there. There was a load over the weekend for $1.32 or whatever but at the same time there where plenty of better paying loads so why even look at the cheap freight? But to each their own as it's been said a million times Mercer isn't for everyone. And he is right, drivers do leave all the time for many reasons. I would not call them failures (but some are). Mercer isn't a heavy hual company. You want that then a Bennett or AM might be a better fit. You live in the right area then maybe a place like Southern Pride. Don't like the VA agent? Maybe LS has a better one (when I say VA sucks I should say for Mercer but I thought that was a given).

    I think that most of the rant is based on truth, albeit obscured truth, truth all the same. Do I think at times customers ask for specific drivers? You bet! TBH I know they do. Does Mercer encourage this? I don't think so IMO but what are they to do? Tell a customer "you get what we give you!"? LOL, nah Mercer would be out of business or only have this "cut and paste" load board freight that certain ppl claim. You have to make your customers happy or soon you won't have any.

    I'm not going to say the Mercer system is perfect or even good for that matter. But it is the system we have and if it doesn't work for someone then they should be allowed to pursue one that does. I'm not going to say that customers don't ask for (and recieve) certain drivers. They do as they should IMO. After all, we are in a customer satisfaction game where we have to keep customers happy if we want to keep said customers.

    I don't know who is right and who is wrong in this argument about Mercer. I do know what side of the coin I fell on. I can see how both sides feel about the way things work here. And as I can't speak for anyone else or even Mercer for that matter I can say how I ended up on this side.

    Customer relations. Call me a lot lizard but I sell myself at each and every direct customer Mercer has. Call me what you want.
    Shardrk, fivestar, spyder7723 and 4 others Thank this.
  9. mtoo

    mtoo Road Train Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Retired on bended knee
    Also if he wants to show a driver the load board . He can set the filters so it does not show anything over $1.50 within 300 miles of Chicago. His argument would look pretty convincing to that driver

    Edit: If I remember right, you can set the upper dollar per mile figure
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2017
    HalpinUout and CJndaTruck Thank this.
  10. DezTrucking

    DezTrucking Light Load Member

    Aug 29, 2016
    Even if you have your own #'s, brokers still will work with drivers they know and trust. It's all about customer service no matter where you are working in this industry.
  11. spyder7723

    spyder7723 Road Train Member

    Mar 31, 2013
    sarasota, fl
    Yep. I always say we are not in business to drive a truck, any monkey can drive a truck. We are in the customer service business.
    fivestar Thanks this.
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