My experience at holland enterprises

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by Davebox, Mar 21, 2018.

  1. Davebox

    Davebox Light Load Member

    Sep 4, 2016
    That's what I'm hoping for
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  3. hotrod1653

    hotrod1653 Road Train Member

    Aug 29, 2009
    Somewhere in America
    May take another short crappy one to get into a better area. Ask Steve or Bri and they should take care of you.
    Davebox Thanks this.
  4. STexan

    STexan Road Train Member

    Oct 3, 2011
    Longview, TX
    From slc, lots of things can happen. Good, bad, and mediocre.
  5. Anonymousproxy

    Anonymousproxy Road Train Member

    Mar 2, 2015
    I believe it’s 1 day for every week you are out, minimum 3-4 weeks out, I don’t think there’s any maximum limit. My company used to run under their dispatch and they had good high mileage runs. From my experience the dispatchers there in general were good to work with and didn’t bother me unless something serious came up or had a new load for me. I don’t know how much or if they had changed since my company’s split from m them a couple of years ago.
    Th3Guy Thanks this.
  6. Frank Speak

    Frank Speak Road Train Member

    May 3, 2016
    No way in hell I'm going to work somewhere where I stay out 3-4-5 weeks and only get 1 day off for each week. That's the biggest crock of crap there is in this industry.
    Goody3635, lual, Metallica88 and 4 others Thank this.
  7. STexan

    STexan Road Train Member

    Oct 3, 2011
    Longview, TX
    That's why they don't want you and you don't want them. They're not for everybody, and your POV will not be welcome at every carrier. It's good they there are options for everybody, no matter what they're seeking from the job.
  8. Western flyer

    Western flyer Road Train Member

    Mar 13, 2014
    15 years ago that was the norm.
    Everybody operated that way.
    You want to hear the real kicker, a lot of them
    Have a max 4,5 or 6 days off no matter how long
    You stayed out.

    On the road 2 months you get 5 days off only.
    Whether they have enough freight to keep
    You busy the whole time your out there
    Doesn't matter. They just want someone always
    In the truck.

    Holland is a true no life job.
    I used to work for places like this a long
    Time ago. Then I got smart.

    I became unattached to the truck.
    Instead of fighting for a couple extra days off
    After being gone for a month, I would always
    Go home from my home terminal.
    Where my car was parked.

    I would never go home loaded. That's an old
    Dirtbag dispatcher trick that keeps you
    Permanently attached to the truck all the time
    Even when you where home.

    I would get empty,drive to the terminal,
    Take everything out of my truck, hop in
    My car and drive home.
    Sometimes I had over a 300 mile cummute.

    Call my dispatcher,
    Me: I'm going home,I'll be ready to go in a week.
    Dispatcher: your not allowed to take a week off,
    Your only allowed 4 days off for being gone a month.

    Me:I'll be ready to go in a week, call me then thanks.
    Dispatch: your not allowed,we're gonna give
    Your truck to someone else.

    Me: go for it, I already took all my stuff out
    And cleaned it up. You can have it.
    If you need me and have one of your 50 empty
    Trucks that are always sitting out back ready
    To go,give me a call in a week.

    Dispatch: you can't do that,I'm telling the
    Supervisor. I'm gone write you up.
    Me: whatever, do what you got to do.
    I'll be ready to roll in a week.
    If I don't hear from you in 2 weeks I'll
    Assume you fired me and I'll go get
    Another job. Bye. Have a nice day I'm
    Going home.

    A week later the phone rings.
    Dispatch: you ready to roll.
    Me : yup, I need a truck first though.
    Dispatch: your trucks still sitting on the yard.
    Me: okay let's go trucking then.

    You got to be smarter than then.
    The truck is thier leverage. I took that away
    By slip seating myself.
  9. Anonymousproxy

    Anonymousproxy Road Train Member

    Mar 2, 2015
    That’s been pretty much the standard for long haul OTR since I started driving(1 day off per week out, unless it was Schneider, then it was good luck getting home at all) unless it’s certain company’s that did regional and the drivers could get through the house more often and for longer periods each week. Some like me can go for somewhat long periods because there just isn’t as much to go home to, for whatever reason. Plus doing the OTR work I do now, I’m not limited to being stuck at a certain part of the country.

    My self, years ago when I was at a now-defunct “super regional” carrier I had a full weekend off every other week, and whatever time off I got at home in between those weekends didn’t count towards against earned home time. I ran a regular more predictable lane, and the miles were steady. At that point in my life (early 2000’s) if someone were to suggest I switch to 48 state OTR work and stay out for a month at a time I would’ve told them to pound sand. What I had was what I considered a “dream job”. At least until the owner of the place handed it of and things went downhill... but that’s another story.

    Since then a lot of people I hung out with have moved away, mostly because of being fed up with my state’s (NYS) constantly heavy taxes and as a result their jobs left the area too. (of course I’m planning on moving out of NY myself.. maybe Pheonix or Vegas areas?) When I started my current job under holland’s dispatch I was pretty much planning on running the minimum time out... until I ran west. On my way north through Nevada during the spring weather and seeing the old abandoned mining towns and equipment, as well as some Of the scenery around the mountains I had decided to stay out another 3 weeks... I didn’t even want to return back east yet. Since then it’s nothing for me to stay out 5-6 weeks... even though 6 weeks will stay as my limit. I did 8 weeks between end of October and mid December and I was pretty much burned out after that. funny thing after 6 days at home I was ready to get back out.

    This kind of OTR isn’t for everyone. You really have to love being out for long periods and being a bit old school this is what I had wanted to do when I started. despite my current aggravations with my current dispatch department still working the bugs out of its system and equipment problems(lets just say I’m left unimpressed by volvo’s quality, or lack thereof) my only regret is I didn’t find this company (or Holland) a few years sooner than I did.
    A_C_Cooper, jeff18 and CorsairFanboy Thank this.
  10. smokey12

    smokey12 Road Train Member

    May 30, 2012
    To top it off Holland has in cab recording you live in the truck for a month or more and your being recorded..nope. Stop allowing this nonsense.
    CorsairFanboy and Western flyer Thank this.
  11. Western flyer

    Western flyer Road Train Member

    Mar 13, 2014
    I could actually work for holland.
    They got the long loads.
    I'm a old school otr driver. I want coast to coast
    Trucking. 2 loads a week, 3 max.

    Average length of haul over a 1000 miles.
    I'll run those loads all day long.
    Every 3 or 4 days I have to deal with a customer.

    Best thing you can do with a job like holland
    If your single is to move into the truck.
    Don't waste your money on rent and utilities for
    5 days a month living there.

    I wasted 10 years and a lot of money
    doing it the wrong way.
    Instead of paying a 1000 bucks a month between
    Rent and utilities for something I would never own,
    I bought a 5000 dollar rv.

    Put it in a nice safe rv park for 350 a month.
    That's electric,cable and wifi included.
    They even had a place to park my truck.
    Can't beat that. I'd pay 3 months rent out of
    One paycheck.

    Then I hit the road for months on end piling up cash.
    Couple years later I finally bought my own house and land. Paid cash for it.

    I'm still out here trying to get more.
    It's just sitting there waiting for me when I
    Give up the road.

    Long loads are at the top of my list when
    Job hunting. That's ahead of money. Holland is on my short list if I had to make a change just for that
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