I was following a thread and even posted a comment about my thoughts when suddenly the original poster along with the thread disappeared into the ether, when a user voluntarily deletes their account does it take their posts with them? Or is this a result of a ban? I just wondered how curiosity because I've never seen a thread just disappear like that before
Question about post removals.
Discussion in 'Truck Forum Information Center' started by Lpirtle, Sep 5, 2024.
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This was a result of a ban. Basically underhanded advertising.
MACK E-6, OldeSkool, Studebaker Hawk and 1 other person Thank this. -
bullhaulerswife, Studebaker Hawk and Concorde Thank this.
To report a post, reply etc just hit the 3 horizontal bars at the lower left and go from there. It’s painless but probably want to read up on what violates the tou first.MACK E-6, Studebaker Hawk, 88 Alpha and 1 other person Thank this. -
Many times, it don't even have to be reported. The moderators see evwrything... They're everywhere......
OldeSkool, Studebaker Hawk, 88 Alpha and 3 others Thank this. -
God bless every American and their families! God bless the U.S.A.!
The absolute sheer driving force of our national economy - without truck drivers, our entire national economy would come to an absolute standstill - if not outright be dead.
Over the mountains, through the woods, into the valleys, coast to coast, from sea to shining sea - truck drivers can and do go anywhere and everywhere, every day, every night, all year round.Lpirtle Thanks this. -
Having a been a game admin and forums admin its not hard just tedious. That said please don't compare being hated by half the country if not more to being the president, CEO of a company aint too hard just if you fail your company will suffer. I have been all those those positions once except one and I have no desire to be hated by half the country ever so thats one position I will never try for we all need to know our limits. Lastly, you can be CEO of a company and still not be rich only aged a bit from all the stress was a Christian organization stores was fun to see all the things people give as donations and meeting all the nice people
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