Random LTL Rants (all are welcomed)

Discussion in 'LTL and Local Delivery Trucking Forum' started by road_runner, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. road_runner

    road_runner Road Train Member

    Mar 26, 2012
    This reminds me of that time I worked at Reddaway when I lived in Montana. I've told this a number of times ago in the past but it's worth mentioning since it is on topic.

    I had this old coworker named Doug, and by old I mean old school. Thick mustache, trucker hat, tall slanky guy. Straight up from a trucker movie from the 70s.

    So anyway, Doug had a residential delivery to this old lady. It was a brand new refrigerator that she she had ordered and the customer interlined it through us for a curbside delivery. So he got it liftgated down and used his dolly to wheel it into her garage or awning so it wouldn't get snowed on.

    She of course was like "is there any way you can get this into my kitchen?"

    - No ma'am. I'm sorry. We do curbside only and I got it as close to the house as possible. We are not allowed to do inside deliveries on residentials since my dolly may ruin your carpet or maybe crack a tile.

    "But I am just a little old lady and I could hurt myself trying to bring this inside myself. Is there anything you can do to help?"

    Of course Doug being the nice guy as he was went ahead and wheeled it into her home and even unboxed it for her.

    He made it four stops away when his phone went off. It was dispatch.

    "DOUG, let me ask you something. Did you SERIOUSLY do a inside delivery on that residential refrigerator when you were in Livingston? Because I just got an angry phone call from corporate who said the customer called them to tell them you damaged her carpet in her living room, dinning room, and entry way; and we are now on the hook to replace her carpets. Go ahead and break off of your route and come back to the terminal. The TM is on his way down to have a word with you.

    Everyone was shocked that Doug didn't get fired that day. I think the 25+ years with the company was the only thing that saved him.
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  3. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    And once again we have yet more evidence that nice guys finish last.
    Speed_Drums, road_runner and ‘Olhand Thank this.
  4. Someguywithquestions

    Someguywithquestions Bobtail Member

    Jan 10, 2021
    Shoulda just told her to leave the front door open, the wind in Livingston would've just blown the fridge inside for her.

    I had a good one last week. On Wednesday I delivered to this run down warehouse, told to put the dock plate down, did so; went to leave and was told there's a trick to it to raise it. Raised it up like the old codger wanted and it got stuck. He said hit it with your purse and low and behold, an improper amount of torque applied on my behalf and suddenly the whole dock plate breaks off and falls down with metal and crap flying everywhere. Oops. Got to hear from annoyed dispatch that I ripped this dude's crappy dock plate from the hinges like I'm the hulk.

    Very next day I deliver to some run down steel mill, big middle aged mad at the world ###### shoves a clipboard into my chest and I asked if this was both copies of the bills for all shipments. He says, "Of course it is you stupid ####." I just say alright and start signing. Then he says, "Put the ####ing dock plate down he doesn't have all god #### day. You sign the papers while I load dumb ####." By this point my patience is wearing a bit thin with billy bad ### here. So I go to put the dock plate down and of course it's as broken as all the other crap at this dump. I try and be gentle as to not break another one again and the fold out lip won't budge. Mr. Miserable then shouts from the forklift, "For ####ing gods sake you ####ing dumb ####." He throws his walkie talkie across the parking lot and rams the dock plate with the forklift nearing hitting me. At this point I'm near to losing my job, the whole situation just caused that wonderful adrenaline dump. I stopped and just starred at this yokel who's probably 1 cheeseburger from a heart attack and he said, "You got something to say #####?" I can't believe how much control I had that day, I just walked off. He then shouts, " Don't you ####ing walk away from me #####. I'll tell you when you can walk boy."

    I turned around and said, "What the #### are you going to do?" His reply, "I'll ####ing fold you up and make it so you never drive a truck again."

    I told him I'm waiting for him. I could place one kick to his overworked knees and he'd never walk his fat ### around again.

    I stood there and kept waiting for fat body to get off the forklift and waddle to me but he never did anything.

    Of course he calls up dispatch and says I threatened him. Little did he know two clicks on the top button on an Android starts video recording. I got him from the time he rammed the dock plate. Explained it all to dispatch and I got 1 write up, and 1 week suspended from work to post on TTR at my leisure. Dispatch said they wouldn't be servicing their accounts anymore and talked to that companies HR. But because "I engaged in threats of violence and open hostility" I would be on work probation, have to take a training session, and have the event reviewed by corporate. Who knows I might be fired. Oh well. Considering what homeless, hungry, and white trash 20 year old me would have done to him I thought I handled myself impeccably. I'm honestly baffled I had the presence of mind to walk away at first.

    Gotta love serving the valued customer! WITH A SMILE!
  5. Gearjammin' Penguin

    Gearjammin' Penguin "Ride Fast-Truck Safe"

    Feb 18, 2007
    Central AZ
    Someday, someone with less patience is gonna kick that guy loose from his head.
  6. road_runner

    road_runner Road Train Member

    Mar 26, 2012
    "I hope the rest of your day is as pleasant as you are".

    That's my line when dealing with jackhole customers. Also keeps them guessing what I meant by it.
  7. ‘Olhand

    ‘Olhand Cantankerous Crusty

    Jan 18, 2011
    Like Grama said
    “Well bless your heart” just dripping honey..:::with a big smile of course ;)
    MACK E-6 Thanks this.
  8. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    And IMHO it would be well deserved.

    The only real battles I’ve had with consignees... I will not call them “customers”... was at apartment complexes over taking pallets back which I flat out refuse to do. Been cussed out at least once for saying “sure, I’ll take it right to that dumpster”. I wouldn’t doubt if there was a little racism involved there too.

    This other character just sounds like an unhinged nutcase.
  9. omaharj

    omaharj Bobtail Member

    Jun 18, 2008
    As soon as he said "Of course it is you stupid ####" I would have left immediately and called dispatch. I would tell them what he said and to avoid unstable situation you left. Please advise what should I do. Whatever happens is now on the Dispatcher. I did this a few times in the many years of P&D, so maybe once every couple of years. Dispatch would tell me to skip the stop or would call receiver and things would get pleasant real quick. One time some suit met me at the door and made the receiver apologize. It was uncomfortable for me, probably worse for the receiver. Most companies won't tolerate abusive behavior. We certainly shouldn't either. I'm a pro and expect the same from everyone.
  10. jgarciajr40

    jgarciajr40 Medium Load Member

    Jun 18, 2016
    Had a generator today for some ladies at a house, and I had the electric jack I’ll be nice and put it in the garage.

    first she wanted it in the house, and I said no I can’t do that.

    then she says she needs it in the grass on the side of the house; “my equipment can’t go in dirt”.

    She then replies “how are two women suppose to move that?”.

    I said, should have thought of that before you bought it.

    lmao I feel bad being so blunt with these people, but I swear these old people must be messing with me or are delusional.

    No, I’m not hand trucking a 9000watt generator through grass along the side of your home. Who does that? At least offer to throw me some money if you want something like that done.
  11. jgarciajr40

    jgarciajr40 Medium Load Member

    Jun 18, 2016
    I don’t argue with people like that. I close my door, and leave. I won’t go back, and my terminal manager wouldn’t care but if he did I’d tell him to get HR on the phone I need to report a hostile work environment.
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