Seems that they are being bought by TRANSFORCE from Quebec Canada
Transport America being sold!
Discussion in 'Transport America' started by FLATBED, Jun 3, 2014.
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So it'll be transport North America?
tucker Thanks this. -
Not only that, but instead of smelly underpaid Americans it will now be run by the snobby French Canadians...Pretty bad when even other Canadians can't stand you.
Le' Southern Cal Transport de America . . . ??
Battle Born Thanks this. -
Ya,but you get that shiny new "Rosetta Stone" CD as a sign on bonus....
bigmikectn Thanks this. -
I'm currently driving for Transport America. Nothing has changed in terms of day to day operations from the merger. Same equipment, pay structure, etc. You can turn the panic alarms off. As a matter of fact, TA recently started a dedicated Walmart account, which I drive in.
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