Tribe express, tribe transport??

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by TIMEWEASEL, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. HappySafeLegalDriver

    HappySafeLegalDriver Bobtail Member

    Jan 2, 2018
    Southeast Georgia
    Nope not possible at all with DriveCam you can even go to their web site and it will tell this IS NOT possible with DriveCam at all!
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  3. scottied67

    scottied67 Road Train Member

    Mar 14, 2010
    california norte
    Excellent PR!
  4. KaoMinerva

    KaoMinerva Transcendent God

    Feb 5, 2016
    Enjoy your low wages then
  5. Eldiablo

    Eldiablo Heavy Load Member

    Jul 15, 2016
    I will check and see what they are for sure when I can. Like I said I’m not for sure the name but it records everything and can be pulled up.
  6. TheLotusWay

    TheLotusWay Bobtail Member

    Feb 19, 2018
    Many of the cameras are coded to have other 'incidents' too. I work for Millis and their cams are attached to the adaptive cruise control system so if you're staying at or approaching a vehicle less than 2.3 seconds in front of you for about 5-7 seconds, it'll pop on.
    For reference, at Millis, we drive the exact same Kenworth T680 that they drive and ours are pretty new too (no more than 4 years old). If you get a new truck and they outfit it like they outfit Millis' new trucks, it'll pop on if you're overspeed vs the speed limit sign by 10+ mph, if you drift from the lane without putting on your turn signal including the things i mentioned before.
    I have to agree with the other posters, with 5 years of experience, you can most definitely find a better situation. I haven't worked at Tribe but listening to the folks on this forum saved me from getting my CDL with CR England or Prime, Millis was a much better bet - side note, they don't allow dogs here at Millis :( but i do like the company FWIW.
    You may be best working for a smaller regional sized company that have a long history of operations proving that they won't bust but are usually more accommodating from my research
    Twenty-One Thanks this.
  7. Twenty-One

    Twenty-One Bobtail Member

    Aug 28, 2018

    Yeah, i have been doing a lot of research over the last week or so and reading up on the forums. There are so many dirty companies, or companies that just wouldn't fit me. I happened to stumble across a company that is going to be the perfect fit for me, very small carrier only about 7 trucks. PERFECT. If it wasn't for all of the reviews on here and google i may of ended up making a terrible choice. I genuinely appreciate everyone's honesty!
    TheLotusWay Thanks this.
  8. KaoMinerva

    KaoMinerva Transcendent God

    Feb 5, 2016
    That's what we are here for driver.
  9. HappySafeLegalDriver

    HappySafeLegalDriver Bobtail Member

    Jan 2, 2018
    Southeast Georgia
    Just remember what works for you may not not work for someone else, it’s like asking ten of girlfriends what bra size they wear... what’s fits them, will not work for you, it’s an individual fit! and no, I don’t wear one, but I’ve heard enough women fuss about them that it makes a perfect analogy for trucking! NO trucking company is perfect, if they were, you would never see an ad for help right? UPS, Walmart and the other 500,000 trucking companies are all looking for drivers... a lot of it has to do when your talking to a company, ask the right questions, get answers in writing and then hold up your end of the bargain!
  10. TheLotusWay

    TheLotusWay Bobtail Member

    Feb 19, 2018
    Glad to hear you found one that works! FWIW, Millis JUST started a pet policy, like literally just sent a message about it this morning and first thing I thought about was your situation :)

    I've enjoyed my time here and once you've been around a few months, you generally know the routes. I've only been to one shady location and with 5 years of recent experience, you'd start out $.48/mile on straight pay and I've averaged at least 2700 miles per week. So pay is pretty good in my book and I drive more relaxed than others.

    But I'm not here to recruit, frankly, I'm looking for something that'll get me home each week and I couldn't do that here based on my location. I similarly found a small company near where I live so it seems to be perfect but I understand the job search is hard with no one to vouch for a company. I and many others on TR can vouch for Millis.
    In either case, good luck to you and the pup with the new company!!
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